Saturday, September 30, 2006

How To Have Really Great Looking Skin - Eliminate Acne

How To Have Really Great Looking Skin

By: David Maillie

Every woman idolizes the female stars of the red carpet. How is it that their skin is so perfect and flawless? Why can’t we have skin like that? What unique skin care treatments and regimens do they use? Why is it that some people just have amazing skin? There are thousands of skin care products hawked in TV ads and at the local stores. Some can be quite expensive like Strivectin SD (around $100 a tube). What really works? Great skin is not only for the stars and can be achieved by anyone with a little knowledge of skin care and treatments. It also doesn’t have to be super expensive either.

First of all, too many of us use harsh soaps and cleansers that actually dry out the skin. Dermatologists know this and routinely prescribe and recommend gentle cleansers like Cetaphil that will clean without irritation. Irritation can lead to rashes and breakouts. It can also worsen acne. Yes, in some really oily cases, dermatologists will recommend a strong anti oil soap like Dial soap. But for regular to dry skin it will cause over drying and can cause photo aging of the skin (which causes wrinkles and fine lines to appear before their time).

It is a good idea to follow up with a moisturizer that is non comodogenic or non pimple causing. Find a moisturizer that you like and stick with it, one that smells pleasing, does not cause skin allergies, and one that you really like. It is important to find a moisturizer with sun blocking features added. If it does not then you will need to add a sun lotion to your regimen. Basically, you want to keep your skin care regimen as simple as possible. The simpler it is the more likely you will follow it. Every added and unnecessary step will make it that much more likely that it will end up like a New Years resolution, a wish that doesn’t hold out.

Limit sun exposure as it can age your skin and cause wrinkling, sun spots, freckles and fine lines. Yes, many of the stars always seem to have beautiful tans and the sun only makes them look better. The reality, though, is that many of them fake it. They use spray on tans and products with self tanners in them. They also have these professionally applied so it is a beautiful and seem less application. Also, many of the pictures we see have actually been touched up by computer photo editing and digital software. The latest advances in digital photo editing have recently been revealed in articles in the New York Times and it is quite amazing. They can add or remove weight, age or rejuvenate skin, etc… So, many times when we see these stars and how beautiful they may look, they really don’t look that way.

One treatment currently used by almost every plastic surgeon and dermatologist on stars and non stars is the TCA peel. The TCA peel has the ability to remove several layers of skin and reveal younger and fresher skin from underneath. It can treat aging skin, remove or lessen blemishes and pigmentation problems, even tighten skin as it increases the production of collagen. A TCA peel will also restore the skins pH to normal and reduce the conditions favorable to a bacterial infection like acne. TCA peels are actually one of the only treatments currently used for both anti aging and acne treatment.
So there you have some great advice, use a gentle cleanser, moisturize, use a high SPF protection, get a TCA peel, and don’t get discouraged as the stars don’t always have perfect skin.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. For more information and great tips on skin care, anti aging treatments, acne and the TCA peel please visit .

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Acne Control Tip: Avoid the Microwave!

Acne Control Tip: Avoid the Microwave!

By: Foras Aje

Believe it or not, the caption of this posting in regards to acne help is not a misprint. Yes, as part of a natural acne treatment regimen...PLEASE AVOID THE USE OF MICROWAVES.

I stumbled on this the hard way actually.

As I mentioned before, I have been using fasting as part of my natural treatment for acne. Considering how clean and consequently sensitive that it makes the body, you become much more susceptible to toxemia after a fast.

This becomes even more apparent in your skin condition.

Now, I fasted a while back for about 2 weeks (just a personal thing...) then I happened to make the laxative tea in a microwave for about 3 nights in a row, surprisingly I was weaker and guess what? I had 3 big bumps right under my lips.

Naturally, I wondered why I was having acne during a fasting period as I was supposed to be getting cleaner. I assessed everything I was doing, singled out the fact that I was using a microwave and researched online for its dangers,
Turns out this device is more hazardous than you think.

Here is a simplified explanation of the dangers:
Microwave cooking changes the molecular structure of food. In test subjects who ate microwaved food, the following changes in blood chemistry were observed:

-Decrease in hemoglobin values

-Decrease in HDL Cholesterol (the good kind)

-Decrease in lymphocytes and leukocytes (white blood cells, the ones that kill germs)

-Increase in luminous power by luminous bacteria exposed to blood of volunteers (in essence, radioactive energy was passed on from the microwaved food to the blood cells of those who ate the food)

- Lymphatic disorders were observed, leading to decreased ability to prevent certain types of cancers.

- An increased rate of cancer cell formation was observed in the blood.

- Increased rates of stomach and intestinal cancers were observed.

-Higher rates of digestive disorders and a gradual breakdown of the systems of elimination were observed.

I came across a ton of information friends, but in a nutshell when I stopped using it, my energy returned and skyrocketed (during the fast) and the bumps vanished, never to return.

Co-incidence? I think not. I've never used the microwave again...and I've never had to deal with those bumps.

It made me wonder how all these years that I had similar bumps; I was perhaps making matters worse trying to treat them with all those so-called acne treatment medications.

Moreover, let’s not count the number of opportunities I had to meet people, I mean considering the hideous acne bumps on my face, who would have given me the time of day? (Hey, people judge you on the exterior no matter what you may have been told folks…)

Well, I hope this anecdote helps in your research for natural acne treatment options.

Here’s to clearer skin naturally,


Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. He invites you to visit his blog on Acne Treatment for more acne remedy tips today.

You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Monday, September 25, 2006

How to Best Apply Makeup to Cover Up Acne

How to Best Apply Makeup to Cover Up Acne

By: Tony Buel

Copyright 2006 Tony Buel

Applying makeup when pimples are prominent can be quite a challenge for a woman. But with a good set of procedures in place for doing this, it can work quite well.

The initial step should be to wash the face gently with cold water and a mild soap. Preparation for application of makeup can be easier with proper hygiene. Over washing the face can actually damage the skin, but carefully washing the face once or twice a day, especially with cold water and a mild soap or cleanser can do wonders. Also proper skin care using moisturizers and exfoliants can help keep the skin clear and healthy and help to keep the acne problem in check.

Then apply an astringent when the face is dry. This is universally available in any drugstore or pharmacy.

If there are a few blemishes, try using a concealer. This goes right on the blemish and blends in nicely to hide the acne. Then with your fingers carefully apply foundation to the blemished area. Do it this way wherever needed.

After you have done this continue with the standard application of your makeup and then finish up by applying face power. You will see that pimples will be much less prominent.

Note that makeup can have the problematic effect of clogging your pores. Be sure to use a brand of makeup that will not clog pores. These types of makeup have been designed and marketed to teenagers with acne problems. Many times this type of makeup will come with complete instructions. Often these makeup products contain ingredients that kill bacteria and help clean out pores.

Many women choose not to wear makeup when acne is acting up, but the anxiety of teenage years can be lessened when one can wear makeup. Covering up the unsightly blemishes can raise their self-esteem. Every young woman with an acne problem must decide for herself as to what is best for her in this instance.

Also, consider consulting with a specialist -many department stores have makeup specialists who have receive specialized training in this area. Many will themselves be able to relate to the plight of a teenage girl since they would have lived through those years themselves.

Many times these department stores will hold special workshops and seminars on makeup application. These may be particularly useful for getting hands on experience in addition to getting some good advice on the subject of acne blemishes. You will learn how to fight acne with proper skin care as well as how to cover them up when they surface.

With the myriad of specially designed products that fight acne and cover it up, applying makeup during an outbreak is easier than it used to be.
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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Don’t Pop That Zit! Get the 411 on Acne

Don’t Pop That Zit! Get the 411 on Acne

By: Joseph Hanoa

Millions of people suffer from or have at one time suffered from acne. We are all aware of those nasty little red pimples and zits that ruin your weekend or a big date. Dermatologists have spent countless hours, energy and money researching causes and treatments of acne. The demographic most affected are teenagers, although acne can be a problem for people all the way up into their forties.

Hormonal changes and genetics are the main causes of acne. At puberty there is an increase in hormones that can cause pores to clog, especially on the face, chest and upper back. Pregnancy, menstrual cycles and starting and stopping birth control pills can also cause acne to appear due to the hormone changes associated with these events. If your parents had acne, you are more likely to develop acne as well. Many people will swear that chocolate or certain foods cause acne but there is no research to support these theories. Diet has been shown to have no relevance to acne. Stress is often blamed for acne and although it is not known to cause it, it can make it worse for those who already suffer from it. Oils from skin products or environmental irritants can make it worse. Many people will try to wash away the acne and end up irritating the skin further and cause the acne to worsen. You only need to wash your face twice a day, mildly with no severe scrubbing. Dermatologists recommend using a mild cleanser and your bare hands to wash your face. To dry just pat your face instead of rubbing it as this can lead to more breakouts.

There are many over the counter as well as prescription medications to treat acne. A popular treatment is benzoyl peroxide which is found in Oxy Clean and Clearasil. A lot of the treatments for acne can be very drying to the skin so it is important to keep it moisturized. A popular prescription drug used for severe acne is Accutane. It is usually taken for a period of 4-6 months and is known to have very good results. However, Accutane is also known to have some very serious side effects. It can cause birth defects, mental health problems, brain problems, vision problems, bone and muscle problems as well as hearing problems. It is very important to discuss the pros and cons of any medication with your doctor. There are many different treatment options for acne. Your dermatologist will be able to help you determine which course of action is right for you.
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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Homemade Natural Acne Treatments

Homemade Natural Acne Treatments by Marty Rubenski

There are many over the counter and prescription treatments for acne but most of these are very expensive and some may even have undesirable long-term side effects. If you are looking for some homemade natural acne remedies, read on.

Start with careful cleansing of the skin. It's easy to forget this basic step and start applying some potion or lotion. A clean bacteria-free skin really is the most important step. Was your face twice a day - no more, no less - with a gentle cleanser or soap. Use your hands to wash and avoid rubbing too hard. Do not use anything abrasive such as a wash-cloth. For an extra deep clean, use a weak alcohol solution which is available at any pharmacy. This has the added bonus of killing bacteria. Avoid using alcohol too often as this can dry out your skin.

Once a week, mix a little honey with some diluted lemon juice. Apply this to your face twice a week and leave for 10 minutes. Remove gently with warm water. This mixture has natural anti-bacterial properties.

If you have a naturally oily skin - often the case with acne - mix some oatmeal with water to form a thin paste. Apply this to any oily areas of your face and leave for 20 minutes. The oatmeal will absorb oil from your skin without leaving it too dry.

Avoid oily cosmetics - use only those that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Look for those marked noncomedogenic if you can. These should not block pores. Use any cosmetics sparingly in acne-prone areas. Remove all makeup thoroughly every evening.

Avoid picking or squeezing pimples. I know it's tempting but all you do is force the bacteria deeper into your skin and this can also leave you with permanent scarring. To reduce the size and redness of a pimple, hold an ice cube directly on the spot and leave it there for 30 seconds or so. In fact, you should avoid touching your face at all unless you are washing.

About the Author
Marty is an ex-acne sufferer - his secret of his now clear complexion is revealed at
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Friday, September 22, 2006

Acne Types, Causes, and Treatments

Acne Types, Causes, and Treatments by Darin Hunter

The very first thing you must realize when trying to cure your acne is the type of acne that you actually have. This is important because it gives insight into what may have actually caused the acne outbreak to begin with. And of course, once you know exactly what it is that triggers the acne, you have a leg up on either preventing it from happening again, or effectively treating it as it occurs.

There are many forms of acne, which would explain why it is so difficult to treat. I have listed several causes of acne and many of those may surprise you, but I also hope that they will help you discover what causes your acne. For instance, a great many people would likely be surprised to learn that acne is not caused by stress, as they may think, but more likely can be attributed to their fancy new perfume or cologne.

Adult acne can be caused by a hormonal imbalances, pollution, medications, or stress to name a few. Studies have shown a direct correlation between hormonal imbalances and outbreaks of acne in women ranging in age from 30 to 40 years.

Acne Cosmetic is just what it sounds like. It is the outbreak of acne due to the aggravation of the skin and pores caused by the active ingredients contained in the cosmetics that you wear.

Acne Conglobata can cause serious scarring on the face and back and it is usually attributed to hereditary factors. Unfortunately, there's not a lot that can be done here.

Acne Detergens is the result of the use of soaps and cleaners that cause an irritating effect on the skin.

Acne Excoriee is actually brought about by the constant picking of the pimples on the face and body. This, perhaps more than all the other symptoms, can and should be avoided.

Acne Fulminans is a very serious form of acne that can accompany a fever and body aches. This acne is predominantly found amongst males and it includes the abrupt onset of acne, severe scarring, fever, loss of appetite and a high white blood cell count.

Acne Keloidalis is common among people of African descent. It usually flares up in and around the neck area.

Acne Mallorca is brought on by exposure to sunlight.

Acne mechanica is caused by materials and fabrics such as clothing and purse straps that chafe against bare skin.

Acne Medicametosa is a side effect of certain medications which include oral contraceptives and over the counter drugs that contain potassium iodide, chlorine and bromide.

Acne Neonatorum is acne that affects infants. It is transferred by way of hormones from the mother to the child.

Acne Pomade is commonly caused by the use of oils found in hair care products. The oil migrates from the hair to the forehead, where it can clog pores and cause acne.

The bottom line is, that many forms of acne key and you've waited by taking simple precautions and knowing what causes irritation and your specific case. One great tip is to avoid touching your face with your fingers. People have no idea how dirty their fingers actually are and in many cases the occurrence of outbreaks can be avoided.

For more information about acne visit
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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Treating Acne: Over-The-Counter Products You Should Avoid

Treating Acne: Over-The-Counter Products You Should Avoid by Hector Morales

The number of over-the-counter products available for the prevention and treatment of acne are numerous. Some of these products have been developed to reduce the chances of the development of acne by including substances designed to unclog the pores. There are also cleansers, which are designed to do a simple job - cleanse the skin and remove excess oils and dirt to help control breakouts. While it's true that some over-the-counter products are somewhat helpful for the treatment of acne, it's also true that some of these could harm your skin.

Among the most popular products used to cleanse the skin is soap. Although this product might be helpful for some people, it also can aggravate the acne afflicted areas depending on your skin type, skin sensitivity, and actual acne condition. So, if you plan to use a cleanser it is very important that you get one that will work best with your skin type, skin sensitivity, and acne condition. This will help you avoid further irritation to your skin and will promote faster healing. For instance, if your skin is oily, it is recommended you use soaps that are practically oil-free, as products containing a substantial amount of oil will add oil to your skin, causing the pores to become clogged and subsequent breakouts to occur. On the other hand, if you have sensitive skin, you'd better stay away from fragrant soaps for the chemicals in them can cause breakouts too.

Another popular over-the-counter product that can cause negative effects on your acne condition is cosmetics. It has been reported that certain makeup products contain chemicals that can cause breakouts. This is due to the clogging of the pores and irritation of the skin produced by these products. So, if you didn't know about this, you might want to find out what is in your cosmetic products from now on. This is especially true in the case that recently you've been suffering more breakouts than normal or if you've been feeling something is irritating your skin. The answer to all of this might be in your cosmetics. Nowadays, you can easily find lots of information about the cosmetic products you buy - about its ingredients, what they should be used for, and even the skin type it works best on! With all this information, there's no reason why you shouldn't find some good cosmetics for your skin. However, you must get those that won't worsen your acne. The recommended cosmetics for acne sufferers are cosmetics that are non-cometigenic. These cosmetics won't clog your pores.

Again, keep in mind to always choose your acne products carefully. If you'd like to be consistent, you might even want to try sticking to one brand for your daily regimen. When you use a specific line of products that has been designed to work together it will help you promote healing and prevention in the same way. Avoid harsh, over-the-counter products that can irritate your skin. And don't forget that, in case any product irritates your skin simply stop its use immediately and find one that doesn't. As an ultimate solution, consult a physician if the use of over-the-counter hygiene products isn't doing the trick.

When washing your skin, always do it gently. But never over wash your skin as this can cause it to become irritated and breakouts to occur. No matter how hard you try but simply over washing your skin will not remove any more dirt and oil but will only cause irritation. Also, stop squeezing your pimples. The only thing you'll accomplish if you pinch your pimples is to cause the bacteria to go deeper within the skin. And this in turn will cause the area around the pimple to become irritated and inflamed. To alleviate the problem and bring out the pus, the best solution is to cleanse the area and use a toner instead.
About the Author

Hector Morales is the owner of the Exclusive Acne Tip Web Site. Check it out to learn about other acne tips like the Proactive Acne Treatment and Natural Acne Remedies.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Acne Solutions That Are Guaranteed To Work

Acne Solutions That Are Guaranteed To Work by David Maillie

Acne is a condition that affects 4 out of 5 people at some time in their life. Some get it a lot worse than others and it can result in permanent physical and emotional scars. Bad acne to a teenager could be the same as wearing coke bottle glasses for really bad eyes, non acceptance and lack of a social life. It also greatly affects millions of adults. We see numerous infomercials on everything from Proactiv to Murad facial cleansing products.

The problem is that most of their claims are false and these products do not work. Why do you think that you can not buy them in physical stores and even more importantly, why does your dermatologist or doctor not prescribe Proactiv or Murad? Why are they not stocked in their offices and make them a part of their anti acne regimen? Because they are all multi million dollar advertising hype and do not work any more so than a sugar pill or placebo. Here is what really does work and is actually used by dermatologists in their offices (unlike Proactiv and Murad).

The first thing one with acne needs to do is gently wash and clean their face. Proactiv makes benzoyl peroxide a mian stay of their active ingredients and it may kill some of the acne causing bacteria, but it greatly irritates the skin and actually worsens or exacerbates the condition. Why do you think everyone sells their ineffective Proactiv solutions on Ebay? So they can recoup some of the money they have lost with this ineffective product. Instead of using Proactiv or Murad, dermatologists recommend a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil which will thoroughly cleanse your skin and not irritate it. Unlike Proactiv and Murad, Cetaphil is actually used in almost every dermatologists office and is a part of their acne treating and skin care regimen.

Another treatment that is actually used by dermatologists is the TCA peel (or trichloroacetic acid skin peel). This is a medium depth skin peel and will remove the top few layers of skin and result in newer and more youthful skin. The TCA peel will also reach deep inside of every pore unclogging them of sebaceous gland oil and bacteria. The TCA peel will then neutralize the skin and return it to its natural pH making it less prone to infection by acne causing bacteria. The TCA peel has been found to be so effective in treating acne and numerous skin conditions including wrinkles, sun damage, freckles and even pre cancerous legions and growths that it has actually been approved by the FDA for these purposes. The TCA peel is used and offered in almost every dermatologist and plastic surgeons office and has some off shoots like the Obagi Blue Peel (made famous by Dr. Obagi).

The main ingredient in the famous Obagi Blue Peel is still the same as in the TCA peel (TCA). The difference is that the Obagi Blue Peel has a staining or dye that is blue or green in color and it is applied as a paste. The idea behind this is it makes it easier to identify where it has and has not been applied. The negatives are that you look like a frog until it heals, and the Obagi Blue Peel tends to be weaker than a pure TCA peel and thusly requires several more treatments for the same results. The pure TCA peel is used in more and more doctors offices as it offers patients more results quicker. The pure TCA peel also has longer lasting results.

Lastly, one needs to properly moisturize their skin. A non comodogenic (non pimple causing) moisturizer with a relatively high spf (sun protection factor rating where 40 is highest and 1 or 0 is lowest) to block out harmful UV rays. Regardless of if you are outside on a sunny day or a cloudy day, UV rays are aging your skin and can also bring on precancerous conditions. Use UV protection. If you can not find it in a moisturizer that you like, then by all means use protective sun lotion with a high spf (make sure it is waterproof, non comodogenic and easy to apply). If you do not think you need it or that you will not get cancer, just take a visit to your local hospitals oncology department. The patients there will tell you they thought it would not matter also. And now they wish they had thought otherwise.

There you have it a three part acne treatment system that is guaranteed to work unlike misleading TV advertisements and infomercials hawked by highly paid stars like Jessica Simpson and others. Use what really works and is actually used by dermatologists in their offices on their actual patients.
About the Author

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. For more information on the Obagi Blue Peel, TCA peel for in home use and great anti-aging products and ideas please visit TCA peel and Obagi Blue Peel.

You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works!

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

3 Natural Acne Blemish Treatments That Work

3 Natural Acne Blemish Treatments That Work by Richard Hargreaves

Perhaps the best acne treatment on this planet is water. Acne begins when your skin cells are abused and begin to react abnormally, and water is crucial to your skin's health. In fact, experts say water is crucial to having soft, youthful skin.

When skin cells are deprived of water (dehydration) this leaves them struggling until replenishment arrives. If you add this to the harsh effects of sun exposure, cold or hot weather, pollution, and air-conditioning, your skin cells can react in several ways, including excess oil (sebum) production, dryness, and acne breakouts.

A typical person loses around 1.5 liters of water a day...not counting the water loss from exercise or sweating on a hot day. Therefore, the admonishment about drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is really good advice.

When skin cells (and the rest of the cells in your body, for that matter) are given sufficient water, they are able to maintain healthy membranes that keep your skin hydrated. If not given sufficient water, however, your cells will not rebuild and will not be able to get rid of the waste products and toxins that accumulate in them.

This further deprives the already dehydrated cell of the oxygen and nutrients it needs to work and cleanse itself properly.

Vitamin B3 Did you know that as low as 9% of Americans eat the recommended 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day? At best, 3 out of 10 Americans are able to consume enough vitamins to deal with the stresses and conditions that afflict people today, acne being one of the most common.

Your skin is your body's largest organ, and when you do not consume enough nourishment it will show the first signs of this deprivation.

Experts agree that Vitamin B3 or Niacin is crucial to healthy skin. It improves circulation and helps your body metabolize fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Acne is a symptom of Niacin deficiency. The recommended dosage for acne sufferers is 200 mg, taken three times a day.

Topical Niacinamide, a Vitamin B3 derivative, has been proven to be more effective against acne than even the popular antibiotic clindamycin. Present in the over the counter acne product, Acnessential (a 4% Niacinamide cream), the B3 derivative was used in studies at the State university of New York against mild to moderately inflammatory and comedonal acne, and found to be effective.

Natural Green Tea Natural green tea is unfermented, unlike other types of tea. This means it is not oxidized and, therefore, it retains active substances that make it one of the best acne treatments

Green tea contains a high amount of potent antioxidants that make it beneficial in acne prevention. Antioxidants counteract the effects of free radicals in the atmosphere that threaten to damage your cells and tissues.

In studies, green tea was successfully used to: - fight bacteria; - reduce inflammation; - decrease hormone activity; and - kill staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria that causes bacterium acne.

About the Author
Richard Hargreaves is a former MR AUSTRALIA and publisher of He provides a FREE 70 page Acne Blemish Treatment eBook and information on the best acne skincare treatment products and best acne medication on his website.
You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works!

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