Acne Prevention Tips - Helpful Solutions To Stop Acne From Occurring
Acne Prevention Tips - Helpful Solutions To Stop Acne From Occurring by Shirley Peel
Acne Prevention
You can possibly prevent acne from affecting your skin or at the very least, moderate the outbreaks. Science has not yet discovered a fool-proof method that will work for everyone with an acne problem, but there are many things you can do to control it. Treating your acne outbreaks properly is something that must be done, especially if you are prone to suffer from severe cases.
Acne is a very common skin condition which produces whiteheads and blackheads on the face and upper torso. It affects people differently, being mild for some and quite debilitating for others. Acne untreated or treated improperly can cause permanent scarring which requires extensive time and expense to effectuate any level of cure.
Proper Cleansing
Acne is mainly caused by bacteria that get into the pores on your skin, and the first and most important thing you need to do is to prevent this from becoming a problem. Bacteria are everywhere, and while there is no way to keep them from getting on the skin of your face or other areas, you can remove them before they cause a problem. There are many good cleansing products on the market today that contain anti-bacterial elements to help you get rid of bacteria on your skin. No matter how thoroughly you think you are washing, in all likelihood bacteria still remain.
A second step you should take to prevent acne is to use an exfoliating product on your skin. The dead skin cells that are always present on your skin can often contribute to acne formation. They do this by blocking your pores. This leads to oil becoming blocked in the pores, also known as follicles, which is one of the major causes of acne. The dead cells are also used as a food source by the bacteria which furthers their breeding. Using an exfoliating product does a good job in removing these dead skin cells.
Both anti-bacterial cleansers and exfoliates can be found in just about any pharmacy or super store at very reasonable prices. There are usually several brands and price ranges from which to choose, so you should be able to find products that suit you.
What To Do When More Care and Treatment Are Needed
For many people, washing their face and skin properly and using exfoliates is enough to manage the acne blemishes they have. For others, however, these two methods do not contain the acne outbreaks. These people should see a dermatologist or some kind of skin specialist. This is the person who can prescribe whatever medication that is needed to get the condition under control.
When it comes to treating and preventing acne, there are many products on the market that can help some, or maybe most, people. When you are using facial/skin cleansers, exfoliating products or topical medications, it is very important that you follow the directions given for them. Most of them should be used regularly if you are to get any benefits.
In conclusion, not everyone can have a clear complexion, but many will find relief in these products for acne prevention and treatment.
About the Author
Shirley Peel is a successful webmaster and publisher of many articles about acne and health care. Her years in the health care field have honed her interest in these areas. For more info and a Free ecourse on acne skin care, see and Be sure to sign up for our free ecourse on acne skin care.
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