How Do You Get Rid of Back Acne
How Do You Get Rid of Back Acne by Ken Black
Back acne comes in all sizes and forms of acne, ranging from mild forms like whiteheads to serious forms of acne including cystic acne. Bacne as it is referred to in slang terms, can consist of pimples, pustules and blackheads as well. Back acne affects people ranging from age ten to age forty or older yet. Understanding the causes of back acne and available treatment options, are very important is treating and preventing the condition.
Like all of the other forms of acne, there is no one thing that causes this problem. As far as the medical community stands, back acne also happens when oil glands start functioning more rapidly around puberty. The hormone group androgens, found in both females and males, get overactive which in turn causes a reaction in the oil glands, which make extra oil. The oil glands are located just underneath the skin surface. Oil glands constantly are producing and secreting oil through the pores in the skin. When too much of the oils are produced the pores and hair follicles become clogged. The clogs obstruct the way that dead cells escape the skin, which in turn results in a mess of oil and dead cells plugging the hair follicle. This attracts bacterium, which causes the acne to be formed.
It can be found on any part of the body and does not necessarily have to be on a persons back. It can be very severe with large lesions and painful cysts. Back acne may just be something that certain people are prone to or it could be caused by other things such as tight clothing or a heavy backpack. Not having anything in contact with the back is not a logical prevention step, as we all must sit down and everyone has to wear clothing.
It is easier to treat this ailment than to try and prevent it because most people suffer from this disorder at one time or another. Skin on the back is much thicker and therefore allows for stronger topical treatments, such as ten percent Benzoyl peroxide. This strength of Benzoyl peroxide is not suitable for other skin that is typically thinner and will not be able to sustain itself under harsh treatment. You can get all the same types of acne, blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules and cysts, on your back just as you can on any other part of your body.
There are some differences in back acne and acne located elsewhere on the body however. It is not caused by genetics as other acnes can be. Some severe cases may be genetically passed on, but most likely it is just the individuals body type or personal genetic make up. Unlike other acne, food does not contribute to the dilemma and that includes foods cooked in grease, or high in fat content.
It is also known that excessive oil production and dirt build up does not have a huge impact on developing back acne. Perspiring excessively and not washing or showering immediately has been shown to not increase the chances of developing back acne. Back acne also does not seem to be affected by stress. There are some who think that facial acne is increased due to stress. However stress can cause back acne to not heal. Sometimes, stress causes people to pick and bother the pimples, which make the condition worse.
You can try over the counter medicines for moderately bad back acne. Some skin specialists or dermatologists should treat severe forms of acne on the back, such as cystic acne. Most of the simpler forms of acne might disappear with daily washing and cleansing routines but as cystic acne goes deep into the skin and can cause permanent scarring, it should be given more serious medical attention than simple pustules or blackheads on the back.
Always speak to your healthcare provider about treatment before starting a back acne treatment program never attempt to treat severe acne on your own or with an over the counter product without consulting a professional.
About the Author
Ken Black is the owner of, a site with lots of great acne skin care information.
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