Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Evolution Of Vitamin B5 For Acne

The Evolution Of Vitamin B5 For Acne

I came across the benefits of Vitamin B5 6 years ago whilst searching for an acne treatment that actually works. With a great deal of scepticism I tried Vitamin B5 and within 4 weeks, my severe acne had completely disappeared! Vitamin B5 was my acne cure, but it came at a price! To treat acne effectively with Vitamin B5 a ridiculous amount was needed, 20 X 500 mg pills a day. As you can imagine 20 pills a day is difficult to swallow plus the money needed to sustain the treatment took its toll on my bank balance. I had two choices: continue to use Vitamin B5 despite the large quantity/cost required to maintain clear skin, OR not use it and have bad skin! Both choices were not an option!

I saw the need for an acne treatment that was affordable, easily taken and more effective than Vitamin B5 alone, so with the help of Medical Professionals and Judy Cheung, SkinB5 was born! SkinB5 is a great tasting powder that contains powerful health promoting nutrients (Vitamin B5, Zinc, Vitamin A, Biotin) that act internally to treat acne. The human body absorbs powder far better than tablets/pills, meaning only 3 dosages a day of Skinb5 is needed compared with 4 dosages if using tablets. Due to the better absorption rate acne will clear much faster.

SkinB5’s benefits are well supported by scientific research studies. Even if you don’t have acne, SkinB5 may improve your overall health due to other well recognised benefits.

Future SkinB5 advancements

To combat the world wide problem of acne, SkinB5 is in the process of developing further UNIQUE & INNOVATIVE treatments that will continue to revolutionise the acne treatment industry. Vitamin B5 is the only real product that can treat acne. Please keep an eye on SkinB5 because you will see the evolution of acne treatments.

By: Nick Bell- former acne sufferer www.skinb5.com

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How Do I Get Rid Of Acne? Prevention Is The Best Solution

How Do I Get Rid Of Acne? Prevention Is The Best Solution

How do I get rid of acne is a question that many people ask, if you ask enough people you will get many different answers. The best way to prevent acne is to not get it in the first place. Prevention of acne can be difficult in today's environment but doing a few simple things can lessen the chance of getting acne.

In this article we will look at ways to prevent getting acne and simple step that you can take to stave off getting acne and keep it from spreading. We will take a look at what to use to keep your face clean, what you should avoid, and what to do after certain activities.

Keep your face clean

The easiest and most practical way to avoid acne is to wash your face at least a couple of times during the day. When washing your face make sure that you use a mild soap not something that is harsh as this can irritate the skin. Try not to scrub your face just gently run the soap over it and rinse it with water. Wash your hair on a daily basis, if your hair comes in contact with your face not washing your hair will add oil to your face.

There are several cleansers on the market today that can be used and are specifically for cleansing your face. Two of the brands are Cetaphil and Neutrogena and they typically can be found at any major drugstore or grocery store.

You can also use an antibacterial pad to cleanse your face as well, it may be a good idea to have some with you at all times.

What you should avoid

If you wear makeup wash her face before you go to bed. Not washing your face and leaving makeup on will clog your pores.

If you use any type of lotion or sunscreen check the label and make sure that they say oil free.

Avoid applying any harsh chemicals to your face without first consulting your doctor. Applying a harsh chemical to your face may give you a reaction to the chemical and in turn may inflame and irritate your skin.

What to do after certain activities

After exercising and working up a good sweat immediately go into the restroom and wash your face. Sweat has been known to clog pores and as you know clogged pores will result in acne.

There is much debate whether eating greasy food will cause acne but one thing is certain after eating greasy food you should always wash your hands. If you don't wash your hands just make sure that they do not come in contact with your face.

Preventing acne is an ongoing battle but if you follow the steps you will never have to ask the question again how do I get rid of acne.

By: Lincoln
Acne can be a big problem and if you liked these tips and never have to ask again how do I get rid of acne try visiting good-reads.com/acne/acne/index.htm.com for more great tips

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Golden Tips for Preventing Acne

Golden Tips for Preventing Acne

Acne is the most dreaded skin disease in the entire world. Only in the United States most individuals suffer from acne. Acne is caused by the excess production of sebum, a particular type of oil secreted through the sebaceous glands. Although this skin problem comes into being in puberty it invariably affects all ages, genders and races. In this discussion, you will find best ways on how to cure acne.

No matter what the cause is that leads to your acne problem, you must find out the ways that can cure them. To combat acne, you can either opt for medications or natural remedies. An easy natural treatment to cure acne is by applying a honey mask. Honey has antibacterial properties, which takes care of those small blemishes. Make sure that you use acne soap twice a day most definitely. And you can’t do it without a potent multi-vitamin and not to mention a chromium supplement.

You need Vitamin A as it reinforces the protective tissue of the skin, thus preventing acne and what’s more it aids to lessen sebum production. Try not to wear make up for it adds to your skin problem. Water is a magic potion for your skin; so do drink as much of water as you can. Homemade treatments can help rejuvenate your skin and fight bacteria. Tea tree oil, tomatoes, lemon, cucumber, turmeric, lime, oats, honey, and orange are some of the natural remedies that you can look forward to.

If you go in for non-prescription remedies, try the lotions that hold benzoyl peroxide. It helps to dehydrate the skin so as to shed the surface layer of dead skin. Azelaic acid can be an excellent alternative to benzoyl peroxide. Besides that, topical retinoids, which are medicines, based on Vitamin A can be totally effective as well.

A Dermatologist Can Help You get Rid From Acne

You can also choose oral antibiotics i.e. tablets for inflammatory acne. It requires you to consume it daily for around 3 months. And if nothing works out for your severe skin condition then the best you can do is consult a general physician or a skin specialist. Your doctor will try his level best to provide proper acne treatment. If not medication then laser treatment can surely revive your skin condition.

Acne is embarrassing at times, frustrating most times, always painful and ever so difficult to handle. So you can very well imagine how life would be without acne if you follow the above tips.

By: Robert Sheehan
Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of www.myacneskintreatments.com.

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Acne Prevention Tips - Helpful Solutions To Stop Acne From Occurring

Acne Prevention Tips - Helpful Solutions To Stop Acne From Occurring by Shirley Peel

Acne Prevention

You can possibly prevent acne from affecting your skin or at the very least, moderate the outbreaks. Science has not yet discovered a fool-proof method that will work for everyone with an acne problem, but there are many things you can do to control it. Treating your acne outbreaks properly is something that must be done, especially if you are prone to suffer from severe cases.

Acne is a very common skin condition which produces whiteheads and blackheads on the face and upper torso. It affects people differently, being mild for some and quite debilitating for others. Acne untreated or treated improperly can cause permanent scarring which requires extensive time and expense to effectuate any level of cure.

Proper Cleansing

Acne is mainly caused by bacteria that get into the pores on your skin, and the first and most important thing you need to do is to prevent this from becoming a problem. Bacteria are everywhere, and while there is no way to keep them from getting on the skin of your face or other areas, you can remove them before they cause a problem. There are many good cleansing products on the market today that contain anti-bacterial elements to help you get rid of bacteria on your skin. No matter how thoroughly you think you are washing, in all likelihood bacteria still remain.

A second step you should take to prevent acne is to use an exfoliating product on your skin. The dead skin cells that are always present on your skin can often contribute to acne formation. They do this by blocking your pores. This leads to oil becoming blocked in the pores, also known as follicles, which is one of the major causes of acne. The dead cells are also used as a food source by the bacteria which furthers their breeding. Using an exfoliating product does a good job in removing these dead skin cells.

Both anti-bacterial cleansers and exfoliates can be found in just about any pharmacy or super store at very reasonable prices. There are usually several brands and price ranges from which to choose, so you should be able to find products that suit you.

What To Do When More Care and Treatment Are Needed

For many people, washing their face and skin properly and using exfoliates is enough to manage the acne blemishes they have. For others, however, these two methods do not contain the acne outbreaks. These people should see a dermatologist or some kind of skin specialist. This is the person who can prescribe whatever medication that is needed to get the condition under control.

When it comes to treating and preventing acne, there are many products on the market that can help some, or maybe most, people. When you are using facial/skin cleansers, exfoliating products or topical medications, it is very important that you follow the directions given for them. Most of them should be used regularly if you are to get any benefits.

In conclusion, not everyone can have a clear complexion, but many will find relief in these products for acne prevention and treatment.

About the Author
Shirley Peel is a successful webmaster and publisher of many articles about acne and health care. Her years in the health care field have honed her interest in these areas. For more info and a Free ecourse on acne skin care, see http://www.acne-healing.com and http://www.acne-healing.com/acne-prevention-tips.html Be sure to sign up for our free ecourse on acne skin care.

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Acne Preventing Tips For Everyone

Acne Preventing Tips For Everyone

Acne isn’t limited to teenagers and raging hormones unfortunately. While it might seem that they have corned the market on pimples, you can get acne at any age. Acne forms when the pores on the skin become inflamed because of dirt or oil that gets stuck. And while there are some hormonal causes to blame, sometimes the best defense if a good cleansing routine.

A lot of people believe that washing your face a lot will help to prevent acne entirely – but this is not the case. In fact, the more you wash your skin, the more you will irritate it and make it more susceptible to acne. The skin responds to frequent washing by producing more oil in order to restore the natural moisture balance. And this can lead to even more clogged pores and acne breakouts. To combat this, you will want to choose a mild cleanser – preferably soap free – that you will use on your face one or two times daily. Simply take some of the cleanser in your palm, add warm water, and then apply to your face, rubbing the cleanser into your skin with a moderate pressure. Rinse the cleanser off completely to ensure that no cleanser remains that might lead to problems too.

For many people, toners aren’t something they consider for preventing acne, but they work and need to be a part of your cleaning routine. A gentle toner can help to remove deep down oils and dirt as well as any cleanser that might have been left on the skin. There are hundreds of cleansers available on supermarket and drugstore shelves, though a simple witch hazel can work fine too. Apply the toner to a cotton ball or pad, and then apply to the face, avoiding the eyes. It’s cool and refreshing on a hot day and really helps to cut down on grime.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that when you wash your face, you’re stripping it of moisture. When this happens the skin wants to get back into balance, so it starts to produce more oil that can lead to breakouts. To stop this from happening, you will want to add a water-based moisturizer as your last cleansing step. If you want to use an acne treatment, apply that first before moving onto this step. A light moisturizer helps the skin feel as though it’s not out of balance, so it won’t produce more oil.

There are two main ingredients in over the counter acne treatments – salicyclic acid and benzoyl peroxide. These kinds of treatments should be applied as the last step of your cleansing routine at night, but before you apply moisturizer. If you can deal without the moisturizer, that’s even better. This allows the skin to have time to use these ingredients to dry up oil.

Preventing acne is simple when you take the time each day and night to take care of your skin. While you may never be acne free, chances are very good that you won’t have to deal with flare ups as often.

By: SkinXpert
This article was written by Tom Lawreszuk. For more interesting articles visit Tom's website's at: SkinXpert.com or Beauty-Tips.net.

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

How Do You Get Rid of Back Acne

How Do You Get Rid of Back Acne by Ken Black

Back acne comes in all sizes and forms of acne, ranging from mild forms like whiteheads to serious forms of acne including cystic acne. Bacne as it is referred to in slang terms, can consist of pimples, pustules and blackheads as well. Back acne affects people ranging from age ten to age forty or older yet. Understanding the causes of back acne and available treatment options, are very important is treating and preventing the condition.

Like all of the other forms of acne, there is no one thing that causes this problem. As far as the medical community stands, back acne also happens when oil glands start functioning more rapidly around puberty. The hormone group androgens, found in both females and males, get overactive which in turn causes a reaction in the oil glands, which make extra oil. The oil glands are located just underneath the skin surface. Oil glands constantly are producing and secreting oil through the pores in the skin. When too much of the oils are produced the pores and hair follicles become clogged. The clogs obstruct the way that dead cells escape the skin, which in turn results in a mess of oil and dead cells plugging the hair follicle. This attracts bacterium, which causes the acne to be formed.

It can be found on any part of the body and does not necessarily have to be on a persons back. It can be very severe with large lesions and painful cysts. Back acne may just be something that certain people are prone to or it could be caused by other things such as tight clothing or a heavy backpack. Not having anything in contact with the back is not a logical prevention step, as we all must sit down and everyone has to wear clothing.

It is easier to treat this ailment than to try and prevent it because most people suffer from this disorder at one time or another. Skin on the back is much thicker and therefore allows for stronger topical treatments, such as ten percent Benzoyl peroxide. This strength of Benzoyl peroxide is not suitable for other skin that is typically thinner and will not be able to sustain itself under harsh treatment. You can get all the same types of acne, blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules and cysts, on your back just as you can on any other part of your body.

There are some differences in back acne and acne located elsewhere on the body however. It is not caused by genetics as other acnes can be. Some severe cases may be genetically passed on, but most likely it is just the individuals body type or personal genetic make up. Unlike other acne, food does not contribute to the dilemma and that includes foods cooked in grease, or high in fat content.

It is also known that excessive oil production and dirt build up does not have a huge impact on developing back acne. Perspiring excessively and not washing or showering immediately has been shown to not increase the chances of developing back acne. Back acne also does not seem to be affected by stress. There are some who think that facial acne is increased due to stress. However stress can cause back acne to not heal. Sometimes, stress causes people to pick and bother the pimples, which make the condition worse.

You can try over the counter medicines for moderately bad back acne. Some skin specialists or dermatologists should treat severe forms of acne on the back, such as cystic acne. Most of the simpler forms of acne might disappear with daily washing and cleansing routines but as cystic acne goes deep into the skin and can cause permanent scarring, it should be given more serious medical attention than simple pustules or blackheads on the back.

Always speak to your healthcare provider about treatment before starting a back acne treatment program never attempt to treat severe acne on your own or with an over the counter product without consulting a professional.

About the Author
Ken Black is the owner of http://www.skin-care-reviews.com/acne-product-reviews.html, a site with lots of great acne skin care information.

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Acne Natural Cure - Simple And Effective Acne Preventing Treatments

Acne Natural Cure - Simple And Effective Acne Preventing Treatments

Finding a remedy for your outbreaks of pimples isn’t too hard to do. The trick is getting one that works for your specific type of acne outbreaks and is natural. Don’t get discouraged about it, you can have clear and healthy skin, it will just take a little experimentation and patience. Know about some treatments that have been beneficial as an acne natural cure for stubborn skin problems that you can use at home.

There are several types of treatments for blemishes and using them isn’t all that hard. One treatment for blackheads is a wash of lime and milk. All you have to do is bring the milk to a gentle boil, and then add the juice from one lime, and you can wash your face. Let it cool a little, and if it feels too hot don’t use it.

Another type of acne natural cure is to use an astringent for a deep cleaning of your pores. At your local grocery store buy a leafy mango. Boil it in some water, and then rub it after it cools on your face. If your case of pimples isn’t too severe you can just leave the mango to soak overnight. It’s an acne natural cure that will clean your pores thoroughly.

Something that you probably eat everyday in some form is good for your skin as well. A raw potato is a perfect acne natural cure, especially for whiteheads. The vitamin C gives your skin
a healthy glow, and its alkaline gets rid of the bacteria on your face. The potato has an acid in it too that clean dead or dying skin cells on your face, which works as an acne natural cure.

Don’t forget that you can use the papaya fruit on your face, but it needs to be raw. An acne natural cure with these types of applications will help your skin stay healthy by stopping infection from spreading.

Finally, remember that any acne remedy might leave your skin a little dry for moisture at times during treatments. A good way to rehydrate your skin after using an acne natural cure is to use Almond Oil. You’ll need to buy a bag of almonds, and grind up with water approximately 4 to 5 good sized almond nuts. Spread the paste on your face, and don’t scrub. It will smooth the face and add some moisture too. Buttermilk is another way to treat skin for dryness, and so are curds.

If you’ve tried every over the counter medication for it and it’s just not working, than you might want to use an acne natural cure. You can find a treatment solution in an acne
natural cure, but take your time, and find out what works for you.

By: John Wellington - Our acne guides provides readers with quick, relevant and free skin care resources that they can use almost immediately.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Discover The Most Effective Acne Preventing Treatments

Discover The Most Effective Acne Preventing Treatments

Acne is a problem with people of any age or gender. Most people believe that acne is only something experienced during the years of puberty. While yes, many young adults experience acne when puberty arises, there are also other reasons that could cause acne in any person, of any age.

A skin infection is what causes acne, bacteria gets within the pores of your skin and allows it to grow. The skin then becomes irritated from the bacteria, which then creates what we know as acne. Oily skin is also a direct cause of acne, which could be a result of various life occurrences such as health issues, puberty, pregnancy, or even stress.

While we might get acne from any number of reasons, we can enjoy the fact that there are many treatments that can help us fight off acne, whether we have a severe case or a mild case. There are medical treatments from prescription to "over the counter" medications, as well as natural treatments, and changes you can make in your life to help in preventing or treating acne.

When it comes to naturally fighting acne, you want to make sure that you wash your face each and everyday, twice a day. Washing your face each morning when you wake up and each night before you go to bed, you will be eliminating the breeding grounds for bacteria. Make sure you wash thoroughly and for best results, use a good quality anti-bacterial soap. Makeup worn by women and oil build-up will definitely result in clogged pores, which creates acne. There are many over the counter washes that work very well for cleansing the face and preventing or treating acne. You will want to avoid using regular soap as it can dry out your face too much. Other natural methods include drinking water everyday, avoiding caffeine, exercising, getting the right balance of minerals and vitamins, following a proper diet, and getting enough sleep each night. All of these can be beneficial to any acne treatment you decide to use.

Over the counter medicines and prescriptions are also available in efforts to combat acne. If you have a serious case of acne, you should see a dermatologist, who can help by prescribing a stronger medicine or suggest cleansing routines to help relieve the acne. There are many over the counter medicines and treatments that can help such as acne pads, creams, or gels. The key to choosing the right products is finding one that works. All of these products will claim to treat or prevent acne, but depending on the cause of your specific breakout, it may not work. And what works for one person may not work as well for another, so you need to find the one that works best for you and your body chemistry.

If you do not define the reason for your breakout and eliminate the problem, it may be difficult for you to find products that work. For example, if you have extremely oily skin, but do not wash your face twice daily, the oil will still be there, which means so will the acne. If stress is the factor in your breakout, you must eliminate the stress. If you do not eliminate or work on the factors causing the acne, the products might work at first, but the acne will always return.

Depending on your lifestyle, a certain amount of acne may be unavoidable, but there are changes to your daily routine that you can implement, starting today, that can make a huge difference in the severity of your acne.

By: Jon Arnold
Jon is a computer engineer who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about acne cures and acne prevention at his web site at www.acne-warrior.com/

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Simple Preventative Acne Treatments You Can Implement to Minimize Acne Breakouts

Simple Preventative Acne Treatments You Can Implement to Minimize Acne Breakouts by Tony Buel

If you are currently not experiencing an acne breakout, there are some preventative measures you can take to minimize or prevent the next occurrence.

A healthy lifestyle is the first measure. Eat three good meals a day, drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day, and get the proper rest. Also, don't let stress control you. A frantic and unpredictable lifestyle can wreak havoc on your skin chemistry, increasing the chances of a breakout.

If a pimple should appear, never under any circumstances should you pick at it or squeeze it. The redness will go away faster if you just leave the bump alone, no matter how hard that may be!

Make sure you are cleaning your face every day, twice a day. Use a mild cleaning bar or liquid - one that also minimizes sensitivity and irritation.

Use various mild scrubs or exfoliants that remove the outer layer of the skin and open pores. The products that contain fine granules or salicylic acid make it a mild peeling agent.

Reducing oil on your skin is another important step in preventing outbreaks of acne. Althougn you can't stop your oil glands from forming but you can get rid of the excess oil. A gentle astringent can wipe away excess oil and are easily found where cosmetics are sold.

Killing bacteria is another part of the acne preventative treatment which will minimize or prevent outbreaks of acne. Antibacterial cleansers can be found in over-the-counter products and they usually contain benzoyl peroxide. You can find these in the form of gels, lotions, and creams.

Be sure you are sleeping on a clean pillowslip. Pillowslips absorb oil during the night and acne can be irritated. Oils get absorbed into the pillow case and may irritate the skin on subsequent nights.

Keep your hair off your face.

Use oil-free moisturizers that also contain an antibacterial agent. If you use make up, use oil-free foundation. A thick coat of make up can block the pores and cause acne to flare up.

Apply a honey mask once or twice a week. Honey is great for disinfecting and healing minor blemishes and takes it easy on sensitive skin.

Take a good multivitamin. Also, take a chromium supplement once a day.

Eat carrots. These are rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene, both of which are essential in repair tissue of the skin and mucous membranes.

These are just a few simple hints that can be started today to help in your acne treatment regimen.

About the Author
Author Tony Buel http://www.acnetreatment-101.com/ Full article can be found at: http://www.acnetreatment-101.com/How-To-Prevent-Acne.htm

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Pimples Remedy: Unexpected And Unwanted Visitors

Pimples Remedy: Unexpected And Unwanted Visitors by Matthew Hick

They pop up when you least expect them or want them. They wreck your social life and cause you embarrassment. Whether it's the day of a date you've been dying to go on, a party you must attend, an interview you have, or the day you were having an important picture taken - it seems this is when they pick to visit. They're called pimples, zits, or acne. They are small but cause big problems in our every day lives. Although commonly known as a teenage malady, they are not uncommon in adults.

How do we win the war against the pimple? A three-step approach would consist of cleaning, treating, and concealing. You should wash your face with a gentle cleanser that is oil and fragrance free. It is important not to scrub hard; rather, do it gently. Then apply a topical acne treatment, which contains benzyl peroxide, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid over the entire face. At night use an oil-free moisturizer on dry areas.

If you need to get rid of the pimple immediately for an important occasion, a cortisone injection by a dermatologist will stop the redness and swelling quickly. Cortisone creams can also temporarily cure the problem until you can consult a dermatologist.

Then there are the home remedies some people dispute, while others praise. Either way, home remedies are easy and produce no skin reactions. Some consist of grinding nutmeg with un-boiled milk and applying to the affected area for one to two hours. A paste of honey and cinnamon powder can also be applied before sleeping. Wash you face the next morning with warm water, followed by a cool water rinse. Rubbing fresh garlic on and around the pimple is believed to not only make the pimple disappear but will leave no marks if used on a regular basis.

Another remedy consists of combining one piece of tomato and two tablespoons of parsley in a blender. Apply this to the face for a few minutes and then wash off. This is believed to work because tomatoes are acidic and therefore act as disinfectants. Lemon and lime juices are also known to be helpful.

Most people who get pimples want an immediate remedy and take it upon themselves to pop them. This is not considered a good idea, since popping pimples can cause more redness and swelling, scarring, or even push the infection further into the skin. A simple routine would be to clean the skin daily, using a soap containing aloe vera. You should also begin a cleansing diet low in fat and high in fiber and take supplements for promoting healthy skin. Routinely done, this will help you to avoid the dreaded pimple. It is also a good idea to check for food or cosmetic allergies since these are often causes of breakouts.

About the Author
Remedy Articles at http://Remedy-Today.com. Learn how to operate a Successful Adsense Website Network at http://eWebCreator.com. Matthew Hick has been designing profitable Niche Adsense Websites for over 5 years.

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Acne: True Causes--True Solutions

Acne: True Causes--True Solutions by Shea Sukami

Although calling it a disease would be a stretch, acne is one of the most expensive afflictions affecting mankind today. Estimated to torment more than 80% of teenagers and young adults, the US market for anti-acne prescription medicine is over (US)$1.6 billion dollars annually.

Acne frequently causes hurt, embarrassment and emotional pain for millions worldwide. People who suffer from acne often experience low self-esteem that can effect performance in school and earnings on a job.

Acne is a very misunderstood condition often treated topically and superficially with creams, lotions and pills that attempt to suppress the effect, which is acne, of the root cause, toxicity.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and as such is the leading barometer for its level of toxicity. Acne is an extreme toxic condition, nothing more--nothing less.

When a toxic substance enters the body and is too damaging to be processed through the liver, the body excretes it through this organ called the skin, preventing it from traveling through the rest of the body potentially causing damage to other organs.

The human body is an organism whose cells have great intelligence. In addition to controlling all of its bodily functions, it is also conditioned to protect itself.

I'm sure you have noticed a lot of pregnant women with pimples. During pregnancy this protection mechanism goes into high gear and in addition to morning sickness many women get acne. Have you ever wondered why babies and young children don't have acne?

Acne-causing toxins get into the body through the food and beverages we consume on a daily basis. Although many governments have food safety laws and mechanisms in place to protect the public, the majority of these laws concern themselves with bacterial contamination.

The preponderance of acne conditions are caused by two organisms Leishmaina and Ascaris. Most people are infected with these parasites by eating food contaminated with them, their eggs and/or parasite stages.

The few regulations regarding parasite infestation are restricted to the processing and preparation of meat, dairy products and municipal water. No testing, cautions or education exist for the public benefit, with regard to the existence of parasite organisms in any other food or beverage group.

The majority of health professionals are under the mistaken impression that parasite infestation is a phenomenon that only occurs in undeveloped and third world countries. Without making informed and conscious choices about the food you buy or how you store and prepare it, you are eating your way to massive toxicity.

This problem is further magnified by our modern diet that consists of very little dietary roughage. This lack of bulk slows down the transition of food through the body, allowing much that is consumed to decay before it can be completely digested, creating a condition that allows parasites to thrive.

Like humans, all living organisms eat and excrete wastes. Parasites are no exception and the boils and pimples that we call acne, are a result of the body trying to rid itself of the parasite wastes that build-up in the body. It's a gross and vicious cycle.

The skin is one of the safest and fastest self-repairing organs that the body can use to rid itself of potentially harmful toxins. Suppressing this protective function, forces these toxins into other parts of the body where they may cause damage or not be as easily removed.

Fortunately, all is not lost. With the right information you can kill a present parasite infestation, remove the toxic wastes and prevent future infestation by eating clean food. A four-step process for combating parasites and controlling acne is outlined at our website. Follow the link below to learn more.

This article may be re-published with permission if reprinted in its entirety including all links and the author resource box that follows.

Copyright© 2005 by General News Network. All rights reserved worldwide.

About the Author
Click http://www.generalnewsnetwork.com/clearskin/index.html to read more Shea Sukami is the Health and Wellness editor for General News Network and also accepts freelance writing assignments on related topics.

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Monday, November 06, 2006

What Causes Acne Acne-inc

What Causes Acne Acne-inc

Although the exact causes of acne are not clear. It is the visible result of a disturbance between hormones, bacteria and inflammation taking place in the oil glands(sebaceous) found in the hair follicle.

As this imbalance advances, the gland becomes overactive and creates a greater amount of oil. The inside of the follicle wall becomes saturated and more sticky. Which builds up and becomes blocked creating comedones(blackheads and whiteheads).

The acne bacteria feeds, grows and multiplies in the oil from the blocked pores. The bacteria then releases chemicals which alerts white cells in the blood. In the bodies attempt to eliminate these chemicals, inflammation is causes. Resulting in papules and pustules(pimples and zits).

The inflamed pores(hair follicle) and the oil gland causes the skin around it to also become inflamed creating nodules(lumps and cysts). The inflammation also harms collagen cells. The cell then becomes imbalanced. If it produces less collagen this create what is called thinning of the skin or depressed scaring. If it produces more collagen, this will thicken the scar.

Exterior factor that aggravate your acne do so in the same way. It is a combined effect of the acne bacteria, hormones(male - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) and a overactive oil gland blocking pores and creating inflammation. When the pores are blocked at the surface it encourages more oil production creating bacteria and inflammation which lead to pimples or zits.

Hair spray, oil based cosmetics, oils and greases can contribute to blocking the hair follicle at the surface. Sports equipment such as helmets, pads and hats. damp, humide or sweaty clothes that are in contact with your skin for an extended amount of time can also block pores.

Andogenic hormonale medication found in steroids and progestin, found in birth control pills, can increase oil production in the glands which aggravates acne.

Bad eating habits and poor hygiene will not cause acne. This is the most common of acne myths. However, over-washing can cause irritation and worsen your inflammation. Washing twice daily with a salicylic acid(2%) face wash will clear your pores without dehydrating your skin.

By: Charles Boisvert -
Now that you know what causes acne. Are you ready to know how to cure it. Click Here for several proven cures that really work and learn how to clear up your skin. www.Ask-Med.com

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Microderm Abrasion And Chemical Peels For Curing Acne

Microderm Abrasion And Chemical Peels For Curing Acne

Most of the people are completely unaware on how to groom the crucial skin areas like your face. Your face is the first thing that anyone would notice whenever he or she meets you. Therefore many people spend a lot of money on best skin care products and treatments to look good. But money is not everything; you can easily achieve the target of healthy skin by devoting an hour each day towards caring for your skin. The most common skin problem that is the worst also is acne problem. It is like a dread to the human face. Nowadays you can see a queue of people waiting outside the dermatologist room for their microderm abrasion and acne chemical peels to overcome this acne problem. Most of the people don’t realize that they could be ever susceptible to such a disease.

If not an acne problem but an occasional pimple can also ruin your day. Think if you are planning for your first date and you see a pimple erupting on your face the very same day. So, if you are suffering from acne problem then unfortunately it is the time to go for chemical peels. Chemical peeling is a process that reveals the fresh layers of skin by exfoliating the skin. You can gain that youthful look back with the help of these microderm abrasion and acne chemical peel treatments. These acne treatments also cure the wrinkle problem and aging signs. Therefore many people who want to look young and vibrant use such treatments to rejuvenate their skin.

Most of use is unaware of the fact that we have dead skin on our whole body that darkens if you expose your body to sun. For such problems it is very important that you exfoliate those exterior layers to get that fresh and good look. The popularity of these treatments is growing with the growing desires of people to look beautiful.

So, if you are also planning to opt for some or the other skin treatment to look better then it is better to go for some professional assistance instead of experimenting on your skin. There are many people who try to treat themselves by using all the products they see on advertisements. Such people are regular drug store visitors to try our different medicines. Don’t try out such experiments on your skin thus wasting both your time and money. Just jump in the cyberspace and educate yourself about the various chemical peels and other acne treatments.

By: Luke Cameron -
Luke Cameron is owner of Alternative Meds Inc. - an online magazine offering news, tips and articles on Alternative Medicine related topics. His website can be found at: www.AlternativeMedsInc.com and www.acnecorner.com

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Can Acne Outbreaks and Cigarette Smoking Go Hand In Hand?

Can Acne Outbreaks and Cigarette Smoking Go Hand In Hand?

Acne is a short battle, sometimes long drawn out. Smoking is a long drawn battle, sometimes the never-ending battle!

But with the combo of these two, you are only waging a permanent battle against your own self. You are fighting a war of self-destruction.

Well, acne is a bad condition for the skin. It is the eruption of the inner impurities. It is the expulsion of the unwanted stuff by the body mechanism. When body is already making sincere efforts to throw out the unwanted stuff with in, you are continuing with your damaging exercise by pumping in more nicotine-based impurities into your system.

Not surprisingly, acne and smoking have many common conditions due to which they arrive and thrive.
Now the question arises, is smoking directly responsible for acne conditions? The answer is in the affirmative.

With smoking you introduce certain chemicals into the body. These chemicals have a direct bearing on the blood circulation to skin cells. The skin's ability to heal and regenerate is blocked. The toxins released in cigarette smoke results in pores getting clogged, and this promotes bacterial growth in the pores. All these negative factors contribute to growth of skin eruptions in the form of acne, zits and pimples.

In post pubescent breakouts of acne, stress is considered as one of the major factors. Herein knowing this proven fact, you can say that stress, headache, acne and smoking make a musical chair of diseases. All these diseases are so closely interrelated after all.

Think over. You smoke because you wish to come out of the situation of stress. Does smoking relieve the stress permanently? Does it even do it temporarily? No. Rather it adds one more layer to the load of your stress. And you may even experience severe headache.

When you face a stressful situation the brain alerts the central nervous system which on its part, sends signals to all parts of the body. As part of this fight response, hormonal release from the adrenal glands results. Sebaceous glands release fatty secretions. These two conditions cause clogging of the pores that can contribute acne outbreaks.

Understand this. Acne is a bad condition of your skin and that of your health. Smoking in such a condition, is just like adding fuel to the fire. It will create further stressful conditions and extend a cordial invitation to the headache. All in all, you need to give up smoking when you have the outbreak of acne.

By: Javier Fuller
To get more information on acne, acne treatments and acne medication visit www.acnetalks.com/pimple/

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Does Cow's Milk Cause Acne ?

Does Cow's Milk Cause Acne ?

Now, if you have acne or acne marks, you possibly have used every single over the counter product you could lay your hands on ... and if you are like most people, then the results from these products lasted for a few days ... your acne seemed to subside for a few days, and before long was back again with full force ...

Acne has possibly been around since man had just learned to walk upright. That was several dozen centuries ago. Modern medicine has made spectacular strides in ensuring humans have a great health and long life. Science has made mind boggling advances. Yet, people with acne are still wondering ...

Is there no cure for acne ?

Diseases like plague that once were deadly to humans have almost been eliminated. People are supposed to be living longer, healthier lives now ...

But why is a permanent cure for acne not still in sight ? After all, acne is not a disease ... and it has been around for so long. And it affects people of all races. And companies are investing lots of money into acne research possibly since several decades.

Or is it that a cure has long since been known, but it's so simple that most people would not even consider trying it just because it's so simple ?

What if acne is caused by cow's milk ?

In case this seems to far fetched - just like one of those theories that say human beings were created as an experiment by an alien species, consider this :

Except humans, no adult animal of any species drinks milk of another species. And even calves themselves do not drink milk after they reach a certain age. Isn't the idea of adult humans drinking the milk of another mammal a strange and possibly repugnant idea ?

Cow's milk - the supposed to be "perfect food" ideal for anyone is also supposed to cause a host of other diseases and ailments - diseases from diabetes to cancer and a lot, lot more ...

There have been possibly hundreds of research papers that dispute the benefits attributed to milk. Drinking milk may cause a lot, lot more harm than good.

Why milk may cause acne ...

Cow's milk is usually contains lots of hormones - cow hormones. And it has the cow's pus cells too. When someone drinks cow's milk, then these hormones and pus cells of the cow has to be removed by the human liver which is already overloaded because it has also got to remove chemicals from pollution, processed foods and prescription medicines ...

And what happens when the liver has to handle stuff like this day in and day out ? What happens when the liver gets over worked because of all the hormones and pus cells in cow's milk ?

The liver just cannot clean the blood stream well enough ...

And then, these impurities - from cow's milk, processed foods and more - have to be removed by the other excretory organs - skin, kidneys or the colon ...

And acne may be what appears when the skin is ejecting impurities.

So cow's milk may actually cause acne - at least in people whose liver and kidneys are already over loaded and over worked from junk foods, prescription medicines, pollution and more.

Acne free diet ...

A diet free of all dairy products including milk and cheese, meats, fish, poultry and junk foods may be ideal for people with acne.

And just why quit eating meats, fish and poultry ?

Because these have loads of chemicals that are used to prevent the rotting animal flesh from stinking.

Animals that have been butchered start rotting immediately - and lots of chemicals are used to prevent the flesh from stinking and keep it looking fresh ...

And these chemicals also have to be cleaned from the blood stream by the liver. A diet filled with meats, milk, junk foods, fish and poultry can be the most horrible thing that can happen to the liver, kidneys and the skin.

On the contrary, a diet filled with fresh fruits, raw vegetables ( organic, of course ! ) and nuts can be a great blessing for all the internal organs because these foods are very nutritious, easy to digest and contain no harmful chemicals.

So if you want to be free of acne and have a beautiful complexion, you might want to try adopting a diet that's predominantly raw foods - fresh fruits, raw vegetables and nuts ( all organic ) ...

Your body and skin may thank you profusely for it :-)

For more on how to cure acne, you might want to see http://www.LoveableFace.com .

By: Gurubhakt
www.LoveableFace.com discusses several topics related to acne and how to maintain a beautiful and loveable complexion.

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars - 8 Routes to Consider

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars - 8 Routes to Consider by Justine van Zyl

It's a question asked every year by thousands of people - "How do I get rid of Acne Scars?"

The best answer, of course, is to catch the acne early and eliminate or at least minimize the damage.

If it's too late for that, however, then the answers to that "How do I get rid of Acne Scars?" question get a little bit better and the prospects a little more hopeful every year as techniques and drugs improve.

There are lots of avenues to explore. The route you take will be influenced by the severity of the scarring, how much you can afford, and the end result you want to achieve.

Depending on your particular circumstances, there can be at least 8 ways to seriously consider. These 8 fall into two broad categories:

Specialist treatment of some sort, most likely by a dermatologist; or

Non-surgical treatment, which includes creams, UV sun lamps and a large number of home and non-traditional remedies.

If you're considering the surgical route, remember that you cannot undertake any treatment if your acne is still active, or in fact, if you are suffering from any other active disease.
Let's start with the options from the specialists. Dermatologists offer the following treatments for acne scar removal, frequently using a number of techniques in combination.


Also called laser resurfacing, this is probably the most popular method nowadays. In practice, the doctor removes the top layer of the skin, the damaged one, and tightens up the next layer. Your face will take between 3 and 10 days to heal. But the treatment is popular because it lasts and there are minimal recurring problem areas.

A new specialist laser treatment has just (March 2006) been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. It involves using the Fraxel Laser, which delivers thousands of tiny dots of laser energy to the skin being treated, but leaves the area around each dot untouched. The result is much quicker healing because the skin is not raw, and there is little chance of scarring or infection.

Laser treatment is not recommended if you have a dark skin, as there is a substantial risk of changed pigmentation, which could look unsightly.


Dermatologists use a high-speed brush or spinning diamond tool to wear down the surface of the skin and change scar contours (under anesthetic, you'll be glad to hear!). Recovery takes longer - anything up to three weeks.

A related technique, microdermabrasion, uses aluminum oxide crystals to remove the very top skin cells. Obviously this technique can only be used for very light scars, but it is a gentler process and no new wounds are created.

Chemical peels

Often used with more severe scarring, doctors normally start with a weaker solution and then gradually increase the strength. The treatment can take anything up to four months.


This word covers a number of techniques. In Punch Excision, the scar is cut out by a kind of "cookie cutter" and the edges sewn together. The new scar eventually fades and should be less noticeable. Even if it is not, it can now be further treated with one of the resurfacing techniques.

In Punch Excision and Skin Graft, the hole left by the cutter is filled with a skin graft, often taken from behind the ear. There's another "punch" to consider - Punch Elevation. In this technique, used to treat deep scars, the base of the scar is cut free and then raised up to the surface of the rest of the skin.

Dermal Fillers

These are injected into acne scars, to lift the surface and make it look smoother. Fillers can include human or bovine collagen, while sometimes your own fat is transplanted from somewhere else in your body. Unfortunately, the effect of these fillers is not permanent, and the process has to be repeated from time to time.

Obviously these are very simple explanations, and it is absolutely essential to obtain skilled professional advice before considering any of these treatments. Dermatologists will be able to advise you on the pros and cons of the steps you might be contemplating.

None of these procedures make particularly fun reading, so perhaps you could consider one of what might be loosely called the "non-surgical" approaches, which are particularly appropriate if the scarring is superficial.

If your problem is what is called a pigment scar (a sort of purple brown mark left once the acne has healed), you could consider bleaching creams, which are available in various strengths. You'll need to wait at least two months to see whether the process is working or not.

If not, your doctor might prescribe a retinoid cream, probably with a stronger bleaching cream. If you manage to catch the scarring early, over the counter treatments worth considering include vitamin E, coca butter or a product called Mederma, which is a gel that has been used to soften and reduce the appearance of surgical scars.

UV sun lamps sometimes help, as does Aloe Vera.

But remember - if you want to avoid having to choose from among all these options, prevention is much, much better than cure, so act as early as you can.

About the Author
Justine writes for a number of websites. For more information on catching and solving acne problems early, visit www.theinfograpevine.com/AcneAnswers.html

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Acne Preventing Tips

Acne Preventing Tips by Carl DiNello

Acne is one of the most prevalent chronic skin conditions in the world. It is an indiscriminate condition, striking millions of people from all walks of life, all over the world.

There are many causes for acne, diet, the environment, and even heredity can be a major factor. Additional studies have indicated that excess hormones in the sebaceous glands may actually be the main cause of acne.

To those who suffer from acne, its impact can be overwhelming. Acne brings with it the discomfort of having to face people on a day-to-day basis. The stress of having acne can greatly reduce the self-esteem of those who suffer from it. Skin experts realizing these problems, have developed some guidelines for acne prevention.

The number one rule is never to try squeezing, or picking the lesions that the acne causes. This is important because when you squeeze, or pick the lesion, it may cause scarring, or even the spread of acne to other locations on the face or body.

The simplest acne prevention guideline is to be sure to wash your face with mild, or sulfur soap, a minimum of twice a day. When doing so, it is important to remember not to scrub your face hard, but to use a gentle circular motion and to pat your face dry with a soft towel. Taking a little time to protect yourself with acne prevention guidelines will go a long way in helping you to control your acne.

Being sure to avoid skin products that have an oil base will also assist in preventing an outbreak of acne. If you wear make-up, make certain to purchase make up that will not clog your pores. This may cost a little more, but you will be happy with the acne prevention offered by this care.

Another acne prevention suggestion is to avoid the airborne grease most commonly found in fast food restaurants. Do you or your teenager play sports? The friction caused by the rubbing that occurs when wearing sports equipment can cause an onset of acne. It is recommended for acne prevention that you do everything you can to minimize any rubbing or friction caused by your sports equipment.

Some experts believe that a strong program of acne prevention, given time to work, may be all that is necessary to clear up mild cases of acne. While this may work, it could take months, or even up to a year to work. Generally speaking, no one wants to wait that long.

An acne prevention specialist can recommend nonprescription medications, and topical creams to help with your efforts. Most of these products will contain Benzoyl Peroxide, which works effectively as an acne prevention agent.

These types of acne prevention medications are found in just about all pharmacies, and even some grocery stores. Benzoyl Peroxide, with strong antibacterial properties, is the active ingredient in the great majority of these products, and has been proven effective for reducing or eliminating acne-causing bacteria.

Salicylic acid is another effective ingredient to look for when trying to find an acne prevention medication. This ingredient will reduce or even eliminate the shedding of skin that often accompanies an acne problem. There are many different acne prevention medications on the market today that have been developed to stop the growth of acne causing bacteria. Not all are without risk of side effects. Some are so strong that they can have serious side effects.

Accutane is one of them and is only prescribed for acne prevention if nothing else works. Accutane can have some serious side effects including red, dry, irritated skin and in extreme cases, birth defects.

So, be smart about your acne prevention program. Speak with a dermatologist when selecting any acne medications.

About the Author
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internets most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit http://acne.lkr-healthinformation.com/

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Acne Myths And The Perceptions They Cause

Acne Myths And The Perceptions They Cause by Elleyne VanBryce

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with acne.

Acne is truly one serious worry of most teenagers and young adults as well in every part of the country. It's certainly an obstacle to fully enjoy what life offers during your youthful years. It ruins your confidence to say and do what you want. It can even affect a person's relationship towards his/her loved ones and on other people. However, we have several ways to choose from to exterminate this acne. The good news is that you don't have to go that too far in searching for your remedies! There are so many home treatments for acne right there! And, you can surely find some of them in your kitchen or garden. If not, the nearest store will surely have one non-prescriptive product for you! You should know that there is no way that you can lose in your fight against this unwanted skin disorder. Home treatments for acne will surely leave you worry-free!

Do-It-Yourself home treatment for your acne

You might think that treating acne requires you to see and consult for prescription. Well, you can actually treat it by yourself! You can find solutions right in your home or garden! Applying toothpaste in your acne and letting it stay overnight is just one and actually the most common home treatment for acne most people do. You can also try a variety of paste or mask that are great options made from different plant species. You can choose from applying salt and vinegar solution, lime, ripe tomatoes, methi (fenugreek) leaves, lemon, dried basil leaves, mint juice, cucumber, corn flour and egg white, sandalwood, roasted and powdered pomegranate, ground radish, oatmeal, almond powder, honey, ground orange peel, nutmeg and milk, turmeric and tender neem, ground sesame seeds, papaya, and drumstick pods and leaves. Truly natural home treatments for acne!

This kind of home treatment for acne should be applied on the face or other affected areas. Leave it for 15 minutes to an hour and wash with warm water. It only requires you to apply once or twice everyday. You will notice that your face have less oil and zits are gradually decreasing in number, proofs that the home treatments for acne are working to cure your acne. Use it until you see satisfying results. Most application, however, might require you to take it for about 15 days. But, you can actually use some of these home treatments for acne everyday to prevent acne from coming back.

On the other hand, a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder as a home treatment for acne requires you to stay it overnight and wash it the next day. Moreover, you can choose between strawberry leaves or garlic as direct application on your acne-affected areas.

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of Acne is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about Acne.

Truthfully, the only difference between you and acne experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to acne.

Across-the-counter products

If you think that it would be better to choose ready-made products as home treatments for acne or you just don't have time to prepare home-made pastes or masks, you can go straight to shops where you can buy what we usually know as "across-the-counter" products. Benzoyl peroxide lotion is one of the most commonly used drug as a home treatment for acne. It actually helps to dry the skin and shed the layer of dead skin.

Another dependable home treatment for acne is the cleanser. You should know that you are producing excess oil that greatly contributes on the appearance of acne. Washing your face with an unscented cleanser twice a day will give your skin with just right amount of oil to make your skin moisturize.

It is worth following

Following some tips on preventing and lessening the harm brought by acne is another good move. You should not wait for acne to appear before you actually cure it. The best way of getting rid of it is to prevent it from coming out in the first place. One thing besides keeping your face free from excess oil is to avoid pricking and squeezing your zits. This habit will just worsen your problem on acne. Let nature and time heal for you and you'll see wonder results! You should also refrain from using products that can bring harm in your face. These include products with high percentage of isopropyl alcohol.

About the Author
Elleyne the webmaster of JuHealth.com, a health resource directory. Since acne is such a prevalent and unsightly problem she has put this information together just for you, a fellow acne sufferer. Read more about acne and what to do in "Acne Cured" at http://www.acnecured.info/articles/ and in her new book http://books.juhealth.com/ACne/

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Acne Preventing - Some Basic Strategies that Work!

Acne Preventing - Some Basic Strategies that Work! by Tony Buel

Is it possible to take some basic preventive measures to thwart acne outbreaks? What kinds of preventative maintenance should you do to cut down on your acne?

Let's quickly scan some of the most effective strategies, shall we?

The first, most obvious, and most important measure to help prevent acne is to have a healthy lifestyle. It is too easy to neglect this, but don't do it! Eat three good meals a day, get the proper rest at night, and drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day. Don't let stress control you even if you do have a frantic and unpredictable lifestyle.

Now that the first one is out of the way, let's move on to the rest.

Make sure you are cleaning your face every day and for best results, twice a day. Use a mild cleaning bar or liquid that also minimizes sensitivity and irritation. Use various mild scrubs or exfoliants that remove the outer layer of the skin and opens pores. The products that contain fine granules or salicylic acid make it a mild peeling agent.

Reducing oil is an important step in preventing outbreaks of acne. You can't stop your oil glands from forming oil but you can get rid of the excess oil on your skin. This will help in keeping the pores open and lessen the shine that often accompanies oily skin. A gentle astringent can wipe away excess oil and are easily found where cosmetics are sold.

Pharmacies now carry strips under various names that you can use on your forehead, nose or chin, or wherever you notice blackheads to pull out all that unpleasant material from your pores. Remember, this is oil and not dirt. They are inexpensive and while they aren't as effective as a professional pore cleaning, they are safe and effective.

Killing bacteria is an important part of the therapy to minimize or prevent outbreaks of acne. Antibacterial cleansers can be found in over-the-counter products. They usually contain benzoyl peroxide. Topical or external applications can be applied to the affected area to kill surface bacteria. You can find these in the form of gels, creams, and lotions.

When using moisturizers, use oil-free moisturizers that also contain an antibacterial agent. If you use make up, use oil-free foundation. A thick coat of make up can block the pores and cause acne to flare up.

Apply a honey mask once or twice a week. Honey is great for disinfecting and healing minor blemishes and takes it easy on sensitive skin.

Avoid wearing excessive make up. Also, be sure it is water based.

Drink eight full glasses of water per day.

Keep your hair off your face.

Take a good multivitamin.

Take a chromium supplement once a day.

Eat carrots; they are rich in beta-carotene and Vitamin A. Both are essential in repair tissue of the skin and mucous membranes.

When you sleep at night, be sure you are sleeping on a clean pillowslip that no one else has used. Pillowslips absorb oil during the night and acne can be irritated. If you have long hair, keep it pulled back during the night as the oil in your hair can also transfer to your pillowslip and to your skin.

Don't pick or squeeze your pimples -no matter how tempting! This can't be said too often.

These are just a few simple measures you can start to follow right away. Don't look for extreme remedies when a simple solution is all you need. For many acne cases, when following these simple strategies you will begin to see gradual steady results in just a few days.

Author: Tony Buel http://www.acnetreatment-101.com
Copyright 2006 Tony Buel

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Acne Preventing Steps to Cure Blemishes Overnight

Acne Preventing Steps to Cure Blemishes Overnight by Dave Poon

One of the most challenging periods in somebody's life is being a teenager. At this age, an individual may try to find himself while he is developing his own personality.

And while he is trying to find himself and building up his own personality acne and blemishes strikes. These are the times that you may feel so insecure and depressed on your appearance.

For most teenagers, fighting acne and preventing blemishes comes to certain period of their lives. Acne and blemishes may come worse usually in the most challenging years for a young individual.

And these are the teen years. You may woke up one morning seeing the perfect complexion of your skin's face turns into a rough and blemishing skin face. There is no cure for acne yet. But taking good care of your skin is always one preventive measure to keep your face from pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads.

Knowing that, prevention could be the most ideal treatment for acne and skin blemishes. However, there are still many teens that are affected by acne. On most cases after you have treated acne, you eventually end up having scars and blemishes. Fortunately, you may find over the counter products that for acne scar and skin blemishes treatment.

Products like exfoliating creams and ointments do work really well on those scars and skin blemishes. All you need is to find the right products that are perfectly matched for your skin type and scar type in order to achieve good results.

Other over the counter treatment topical products that are efficient in treating acne includes salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and resorcinol are the most common medicines available that you can buy over the counter. These products are available in a variety of types such as creams, lotion, gel, pad, or soap.

Several types of these topical prescribed acne treatment products may develop side effects such as burning, peeling, redness, inflammation, stinging and discoloration of the skin.

It is important that you ask for the advice of a skin expert to better determine what products are best suited for your skin type. Oral medicines and antibiotics may also help in controlling the bacteria that causes acne. These oral medicines are also efficient in reducing the inflammation.

Some examples of prescription based oral acne medicines and antibiotics are erythromycin, isotretinoin, clindamycin, or sulfur. Side effects that you may usually experience include using these medicines includes dizziness, dry skin, skin discoloration, upset stomach, and inflammations.

For rare severe cases of acne, laser treatment is most recommended. Although expensive, you can get great results with your acne problems. For mild and simple cases of acne and skin blemishes, herbal medication is also effective same as the products that you purchase over the counter.

As a conclusion, you may find many treatments and remedies for your acne and skin blemishes problems. Talk to a dermatologist if you want to be sure on your actions. Always remember to take proper care to your skin and avoid frequent touching of your skin's face. With these tips and suggestions, you may look better with a flawless and clear face.
About the Author

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Skin Care. For more information regarding Acne And Blemishes please drop by at http://www.clearacneworld.com/

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Can Acne Preventing Bacteria Help Clear Up Your Skin?

Can Acne Preventing Bacteria Help Clear Up Your Skin? by ian Williamson

Did you know that your body is actually swarming with bacteria - and that it's a good thing?

At any given time you have ten times more bacteria in your body than you do cells. Some of the bacteria are good (probiotic) and some are harmful (pathological). The bacteria residing inside you are not parasites. You live in complete symbiosis with them. Beneficial bacteria perform many useful tasks, and your health would seriously deteriorate without them.

What is critical to acne and your health is the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria - not the total number of bacteria.

Let's take a brief look at what this has to do with acne...

Acne develops as a result of toxins creating fertile conditions in your skin for acne-causing bacteria to multiply. Those same toxins may also interfere with normal functioning of your organs. This may cause your organs to overproduce certain hormones that actually increase sebum production. More sebum and more acne-causing bacteria combine to produce more pimples.

The next logical step is to look at how these toxins enter your body in the first place.

Some of them come from external sources (e.g. pollution, chemicals in skin care products, chemicals and additives in food and water). More important than toxins from external sources are toxins created inside your body.

Undigested food in your gut is perhaps the most significant source of toxins. Imagine what would happen if you left a piece of meat on the kitchen table during a hot summer day. It doesn't take long for the meat to turn grey and begin to stink. The bacteria in the meat putrefy (eat) the meat.

The same thing happens in your gut, though with one difference. Your gut is a far more fertile (warm and humid) environment for bacteria. As a result of this there is a significant number of bacteria in your small intestine and colon and therefore the food putrefies much faster there.

The harmful bacteria in your small intestine and, more importantly, in your colon actually feast on undigested food. They create poisonous toxins as a result of their metabolic activity.

Normally the beneficial bacteria in your gut would be able to neutralize these toxins and keep the harmful bacteria at bay. However, if you continually feed the harmful bacteria with undigested food in large quantities, they start to multiply and gradually gain ground over the beneficial bacteria. As a result of this more and more toxins are produced in your colon and your body's ability to neutralize them weakens.

If this is allowed to continue, these toxins will eventually leak from your gut and eventually overwhelm your liver's ability to neutralize them. This is when you start to develop persistent acne and your health begins to deteriorate.

What causes indigestion is beyond the scope of this article, but the main culprits would be improperly combined food and processed, enzyme poor food. When eaten together some foods (proteins and carbohydrates for example) interfere with each others digestion. Proper digestion also requires a correct supply of digestive enzymes. Processing usually destroys these critical enzymes from food. As a result of eating such food your body doesn't get all the enzymes it requires for complete digestion.

Besides incomplete digestion there are few other things that also upset the balance of your intestinal flora:

- Prescription and OTC medicines indiscriminately kill also beneficial bacteria and leave your gut vulnerable for harmful bacteria to take over.

- Eating sugar rich diet. Sugar directly feeds the harmful bacteria.

- Chemicals and additives in food both destroy the digestive enzymes and interfere with digestion.

- Continual stress.

- Excessive use of alcohol.

Perhaps the most effective way to fight acne is to maintain a correct balance of intestinal bacteria. When it comes to acne, the most important thing probiotic bacteria do, is destroy harmful bacteria. Probiotic bacteria also neutralize acne-causing toxins and create and an environment in your gut that is lethal to pathological bacteria.

By keeping pathological bacteria at bay and preventing overproduction of acne-causing toxins probiotic bacteria actually eliminates the root cause of acne.

There are few simple steps you can do to treat acne and restore the correct bacterial balance:

- Cleanse your colon from harmful bacteria, toxins and undigested food.

- Support the growth of probiotic bacteria by taking a good probiotic supplement.

- Examine your diet and gradually work to eliminate items that cause indigestion.

- Repeat the above steps when necessary.

You should not see this as a one-off cure for acne. Instead work gradually towards healthier, acne-free lifestyle. Maintaining proper health and cultivating healthy lifestyle is really the only natural treatment for acne. Other 'natural treatments' like herbs and vitamins, are really nothing but substitutes for drugs if you do not combine them with lifestyle changes.

Herbs and vitamins can work beautifully against acne, but they are no more effective in removing the root cause of acne than antibiotics are.

Successful natural acne treatment combines the healing effect of herbs together with long term benefits of healthy diet and lifestyle choices. It's really the only way to permanently cure acne.

About the Author
For more Acne Articles by Ian Williamson please visit http://www.real-articles.com/Category/Acne/135

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Effective Ingredients in Acne Preventing Medicines

Effective Ingredients in Acne Preventing Medicines by Carl DiNello

Any kind of Acne is a teenagers nightmare. Appearance conscious girls and boys struggling enough with puberty, hate seeing even one blemish. Making things even worse, is that it usually grows on the face. I haven't met a teenager yet, who doesn't cringe at the thought.

Acne can be caused by many things. However, for the most part, it is caused by the increased oil production of the skin. This oil is normally secreted by the sebaceous glands of the face. But, as one enters puberty, the oil production is boosted due to the hormonal changes in the body.

For most, Acne is just part of growing up. Rather than being overly worried about something that may be inevitable, learn what Acne medicine ingredients offer effective treatment. Here are some medicines that have proven effectiveness:

1. Sulfur - Sulfur has been used as an acne medicine for more than 50 years, and is found in a lot of over-the-counter acne medicines. Sulfur is rarely used alone due to its relatively awful smell. It is always an ingredient of the medication, usually mixed with alcohol.

2. Resorcinol - This is another component that can be found combined with sulfur. Resorcinol is an active ingredient that helps in controlling small acne lesions. It does this by breaking down blackheads, and whiteheads that may eventually lead to acne.

3. Salicylic Acid - Like the others, this is also a currently popular acne medication. Salicylic Acid is very effective in treating non-inflammatory lesions, otherwise referred to as blemishes. It also helps in correcting the abnormal shedding of facial skin. It is also effective in unclogging the pores, leading to the successful clearing of current lesions, and the prevention of new lesions forming. Salicylic acids do not reduce the skin oil, or fight the acne on its own. It is most effective when added to other compounds, and solutions.

4. Benzoyl Peroxide - This may be the original Acne medicine. It is very effective in treating mild cases of acne. Benzoyl Peroxide has been used for several decades already, thereby proving its efficiency. It treats acne by preventing further eruptions. It accomplishes this by removing the dead skin cells that cause clogged pores, including both blackheads and whiteheads. Then it attacks the very bacteria that will cause acne. It can even help to control the redness, and the heated feeling caused by acne.

5. Natural, Herbal, or Organic Acne Solutions - There are a lot of over the counter acne medicines that claim they come from herbal, natural, or organic sources. Many of these products have never been clinically tested, so their effectiveness cannot really be accurately measured. But, these are mostly safe, as they claim. If these products work for you, then using it should not hurt at all.

In choosing acne medicine, all that really matters is its performance. To be certain what might work best for you, be sure to consult with your dermatologist. Not every product, is good for every Acne problem. If fact, some may even cause an allergic reaction.

About the Author
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internets most popular topics.

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Whole Truth About Whiteheads

The Whole Truth About Whiteheads

By: John Wellington

There are many different types of blemishes that you can get on your face. They are all generally called acne but when it comes to treatment, it is important to know exactly what is going on with your skin. People with acne are usually familiar with whiteheads (milium), however they don't know what causes them or how to get rid of them. The difference between this and a blackhead is that blackheads are exposed to oxygen which causes the black appearance.

A whitehead is a build-up of oils and dead skin that plugs up your pores. It is embedded under the skin so it appears as a raised white bump. These are also referred to as "closed comedones". This is because the pore is not open and oxygen never comes in contact with it. They are caused by hardened oils under the skin that are clogging the pores, which is the cause of most acne to begin with. Some dermatologists believe that people with frequent outbreaks may produce a drier oil than normal, which makes them susceptible to getting clogged pores. If you wear make-up, avoid using anything that is greasy to prevent all forms acne. Another acne preventing precaution is to wash your pillowcase regularly as well as your hair. This will prevent old dirt and oils from rubbing off onto your skin and causing irritation.

If you are experiencing a problem with whiteheads, there are many treatment options available that could clear your skin right up. The Derma Cleanse Acne Treatment System cleans, tones, and detoxifies your skin. It also regulates the hormones in your body to normalize the oil secretion. You do not have to see a dermatologist to get this medicine, even though it is recommended by most of them. Using a deep pore cleanser can prevent whiteheads from ever forming. It could also help to gently dislodge existing spots over time. Even though the chance of scarring from a whitehead is very unlikely, you should still never attempt to remove them yourself. It will only damage your skin and cause an infection. The contents leaking onto your skin can also cause more acne to form. A doctor can remove them individually for you in his office, using sterile tool.

If you prefer to use a prescription provided by your dermatologist than deal with your whiteheads, a commonly prescribed medicine is Differin gel. It is a topical retinoid treatment that works to reduce inflammation involved with acne, as well as increases cell formation. It is more effective than other medicines such as Retin-A and it is also less irritating. It is alcohol free and it light and non-greasy. For patients with extremely sensitive skin, there is also less-harsh Differin cream. Most people with whiteheads also suffer from other forms of acne that this medicine would be beneficial to use for as well. He/She may also choose to prescribe an oral contraceptive as a way to regulate hormones in females. This is also beneficial in clearing up most types of acne.

AcneHelpZone.com provides people who are suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Acne Preventing And Diet

Acne Preventing And Diet by Mary Smith

Acne is a common skin condition that causes discomfort, embarrassment and, in some cases, pain and irritation. There are many misconceptions surrounding the causes and prevention of acne, including how diet can affect the frequency and severity of acne breakouts. While acne has traditionally been a common complaint of adolescents and teenagers, many people struggle with the condition throughout their adult lives. Acne affects more than ninety percent of the world's population. It is not limited by age, or race, or sex. Acne is the most common skin disorder treated by dermatologists, with most patients being teenagers and adults.

Some scientific research has suggested that acne is caused by physiological factors like hormones and genetics. Others believe that environmental factors including bacteria can cause breakouts. For many years, it has also been debated that diet may contribute to the acne condition. Acne and diet is an issue that has spent many years under the spotlight.

Although some dermatologists claim that diet has nothing to do with the formation of acne, many still hold that acne and diet do indeed have a certain link. It does appear that the food we eat may well play a role in the development of acne.

Certain studies have shown that eating refined carbohydrates and sugars can lead to a surge of insulin, as well as an insulin-like growth factor known as IGF-1. When IGF-1 is released in the body, it can lead to an excess of male hormones called androgens. These hormones are deemed to be the most potent cause of acne formations. Further, the acne and diet connection maintains that when an excess amount of male hormones is produced, the pores of the skin will secrete sebum, an oily or greasy substance that generally pulls the attention of acne-causing bacteria. In addition, this process triggers the IGF-1 to cause skin cells known as keratinocytes to duplicate and multiply. This activity further contributes to the formation of acne.

Studies conducted on residents of the island of Papua, New Guinea, and the people of Paraguay have contributed further to the link between acne and diet. The results of this particular study led researchers to believe that a diet rich with grains can contribute to acne. Limited grains can optimize health benefits, and a no-grain diet may be beneficial in preventing acne.

The acne and diet issue remains one of the hottest topics in the medical field, however lack of funding may hinder the amount of actual research that is being conducted. Some critics have gone as far as to claim that doctors and dermatologists will claim that diet does not affect acne, so that they may sell more pharmaceutical treatments.

Poor nutrition contributes to many diseases. Of course, a healthy diet is important to overall well being, so it only stands to reason that eating a proper diet will help keep your skin healthy, too. If you find yourself in a constant battle against acne, remember to fight the physiological factors with a proper diet, and use the right treatments to combat the environmental aggravators.
About the Author

Mary Smith contributes to several web sites, on diet and health topics.

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Acne preventing therapies - How to care for acne prone skin?

How to care for acne prone skin? by Carmen Buckley

Acne is a skin condition that is caused by overactive oil glands in the skin. The overproduction of oil leads to pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and reddishness on the face. However, acne can be prevented and the number of breakouts can be reduced.

You shouldn't ignore acne as a simple problem. If you have breakouts all over your body or on your back then acne can ruin your day. Acne can be painful and when it is on your face it can also effect your appearance. A persons self esteem can be effected if they find that people are focusing on their acne and nothing else. Your acne can be improved if you know how to take proper care of your skin.

Preventing acne before it starts was the original idea for acne skin care. A lot of self discipline is required for a individual to do acne skin care. You need to stick to a routine and discipline yourself in proper skin care in order for your acne to be prevented.

One of the most important parts of acne prevention is cleanliness. You can keep yourself healthy by keeping your body clean. Showers is the best and most effective way of keeping your skin clean. Showers are also an excellent way of relaxing your entire body. You should take showers as frequently as possible especially if you live in a hot area. Scars or dark blotches can result if you squeeze, pick or pop your zits. If you have acne you should avoid rubbing or touching the lesions. Scars will result if you pop any pimple.

Keeping your things clean is another important part of the cleanliness process. You should sleep in a clean room and make sure you wear clean clothes. In addition, it is a good idea to clean your brushes and face powder puffs so that you can increase your cleanliness and reduce your acne.

For removing dirt from your skin it is very important that you use a mild soap or oil free cleanser that is specifically formulated for your skin type. Once you find a cleanser that you skin responds to you should stick with it. When you wash your face be sure to do so from under the jaw all the way up to the hairline. Everyday in the environment you run into pollutants and harmful elements, these can be removed through the use of cleansers. You can prevent acne breakouts by regularly showering and washing your face. So your skin can breath it is a good idea to remove any makeup before you go to bed at night.

Scars can permanently mark your skin so to prevent these you should never squeeze out pimples. Changing your make up to one that has no oils is a good idea for those who suffer from acne. You should also discontinue use of moisturizers since this can often make your skin more oily and lead to acne breakouts. Over the counter medications can also be used to treat acne, but if you don't think your condition is improving then you should see a dermatologist for the best skin care treatment.
About the Author

Carmen Buckley is a health expert and writes for the websites like CombatAcne.com, Acne-Care-Solutions.com and other health related websites.

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

How to Start a Personal Skin Care Routine to Eliminate Acne

How to Start a Personal Skin Care Routine

By: Bette Daoust

One of the most necessary things for any person is skin care. Depending on a person’s beliefs they will have different personal skin care routines. For some their personal routine involves going to their favorite parlor to beautify their skin. Some would prefer to do their personal routine through facials and body scrubs, which they use, skin care products for. When it comes to personal skin care individuals have their own convictions. Contrary to what many think skin care doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. Considering the benefits you can get by developing a personal skin care routine the cost you may pay out is well worth it.

The first step in determining your personal skin care routine is to find out what your skin type is. You skin is dry, sensitive, normal or oily. Finding your skin type is the most important step in starting a routine. Buying products that aren’t suitable for you skin won’t work well. The basis of all your skin care product purchases should be those that match your skin type. The following example is of a routine for people with normal skin.

The first and most essential part of a skin care routine is cleansing. Using water that is too hot or cold will only dry your skin and cause damage so during cleansing your should use warm water. The three major components of cleansers are called wetting agents and they are typically oil, water and surfactants. The oil and surfactant help to remove dirt from the skin while the water washes the dirt away. You should take the time to find a cleanser that works well with your bodies chemistry. When shopping for cleansers it is a good idea to use a cleanser that is soap-free since over cleaning the skin can also cause additional damage.

The second step is the removal of dead skin cells through exfoliation. Renewing the skin and removing the dead skin cells is the bodies’ natural continuation process. The efficiency of skin care products will be increased by the exfoliation process. After cleansing the skin you will perform the exfoliation. If you have normal or oily skin then you should exfoliate your skin at least four to five times a week. If you have sensitive or dry skin then you should exfoliate your skin only one to two times a week.

After showering or bathing while your skin is still damp you should apply a moisturizer. Every person no matter what their skin type should use moisturizers, even if their skin is oily. Moisturizers are play an important role in attracting moisture from the environment to your skin and then locking it in the skin. However, harm can result if you use too much moisturizer on your skin.

The last step in your personal skin care routine is the use of sunscreens. One option you can choose is finding a moisturizer or lotion that has a SPF or UV protection built in so that you can get two benefits from one application.

You will have to do some testing first in order to find the best personal skin care product for you. Not all skin care products are going to work for every individual so you can’t determine a product is good until you find one that works with your skin. If you have skin disorders it is a good idea to get advice from a dermatologist before starting a personal skin care routine.

Bette Daoust writes on Beauty tips , and Beauty tips and skin care advice and Acne skin care and solutions.

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Saturday, September 30, 2006

How To Have Really Great Looking Skin - Eliminate Acne

How To Have Really Great Looking Skin

By: David Maillie

Every woman idolizes the female stars of the red carpet. How is it that their skin is so perfect and flawless? Why can’t we have skin like that? What unique skin care treatments and regimens do they use? Why is it that some people just have amazing skin? There are thousands of skin care products hawked in TV ads and at the local stores. Some can be quite expensive like Strivectin SD (around $100 a tube). What really works? Great skin is not only for the stars and can be achieved by anyone with a little knowledge of skin care and treatments. It also doesn’t have to be super expensive either.

First of all, too many of us use harsh soaps and cleansers that actually dry out the skin. Dermatologists know this and routinely prescribe and recommend gentle cleansers like Cetaphil that will clean without irritation. Irritation can lead to rashes and breakouts. It can also worsen acne. Yes, in some really oily cases, dermatologists will recommend a strong anti oil soap like Dial soap. But for regular to dry skin it will cause over drying and can cause photo aging of the skin (which causes wrinkles and fine lines to appear before their time).

It is a good idea to follow up with a moisturizer that is non comodogenic or non pimple causing. Find a moisturizer that you like and stick with it, one that smells pleasing, does not cause skin allergies, and one that you really like. It is important to find a moisturizer with sun blocking features added. If it does not then you will need to add a sun lotion to your regimen. Basically, you want to keep your skin care regimen as simple as possible. The simpler it is the more likely you will follow it. Every added and unnecessary step will make it that much more likely that it will end up like a New Years resolution, a wish that doesn’t hold out.

Limit sun exposure as it can age your skin and cause wrinkling, sun spots, freckles and fine lines. Yes, many of the stars always seem to have beautiful tans and the sun only makes them look better. The reality, though, is that many of them fake it. They use spray on tans and products with self tanners in them. They also have these professionally applied so it is a beautiful and seem less application. Also, many of the pictures we see have actually been touched up by computer photo editing and digital software. The latest advances in digital photo editing have recently been revealed in articles in the New York Times and it is quite amazing. They can add or remove weight, age or rejuvenate skin, etc… So, many times when we see these stars and how beautiful they may look, they really don’t look that way.

One treatment currently used by almost every plastic surgeon and dermatologist on stars and non stars is the TCA peel. The TCA peel has the ability to remove several layers of skin and reveal younger and fresher skin from underneath. It can treat aging skin, remove or lessen blemishes and pigmentation problems, even tighten skin as it increases the production of collagen. A TCA peel will also restore the skins pH to normal and reduce the conditions favorable to a bacterial infection like acne. TCA peels are actually one of the only treatments currently used for both anti aging and acne treatment.
So there you have some great advice, use a gentle cleanser, moisturize, use a high SPF protection, get a TCA peel, and don’t get discouraged as the stars don’t always have perfect skin.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. For more information and great tips on skin care, anti aging treatments, acne and the TCA peel please visit www.bestskinpeel.com .

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