Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Evolution Of Vitamin B5 For Acne

The Evolution Of Vitamin B5 For Acne

I came across the benefits of Vitamin B5 6 years ago whilst searching for an acne treatment that actually works. With a great deal of scepticism I tried Vitamin B5 and within 4 weeks, my severe acne had completely disappeared! Vitamin B5 was my acne cure, but it came at a price! To treat acne effectively with Vitamin B5 a ridiculous amount was needed, 20 X 500 mg pills a day. As you can imagine 20 pills a day is difficult to swallow plus the money needed to sustain the treatment took its toll on my bank balance. I had two choices: continue to use Vitamin B5 despite the large quantity/cost required to maintain clear skin, OR not use it and have bad skin! Both choices were not an option!

I saw the need for an acne treatment that was affordable, easily taken and more effective than Vitamin B5 alone, so with the help of Medical Professionals and Judy Cheung, SkinB5 was born! SkinB5 is a great tasting powder that contains powerful health promoting nutrients (Vitamin B5, Zinc, Vitamin A, Biotin) that act internally to treat acne. The human body absorbs powder far better than tablets/pills, meaning only 3 dosages a day of Skinb5 is needed compared with 4 dosages if using tablets. Due to the better absorption rate acne will clear much faster.

SkinB5’s benefits are well supported by scientific research studies. Even if you don’t have acne, SkinB5 may improve your overall health due to other well recognised benefits.

Future SkinB5 advancements

To combat the world wide problem of acne, SkinB5 is in the process of developing further UNIQUE & INNOVATIVE treatments that will continue to revolutionise the acne treatment industry. Vitamin B5 is the only real product that can treat acne. Please keep an eye on SkinB5 because you will see the evolution of acne treatments.

By: Nick Bell- former acne sufferer www.skinb5.com

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How Do I Get Rid Of Acne? Prevention Is The Best Solution

How Do I Get Rid Of Acne? Prevention Is The Best Solution

How do I get rid of acne is a question that many people ask, if you ask enough people you will get many different answers. The best way to prevent acne is to not get it in the first place. Prevention of acne can be difficult in today's environment but doing a few simple things can lessen the chance of getting acne.

In this article we will look at ways to prevent getting acne and simple step that you can take to stave off getting acne and keep it from spreading. We will take a look at what to use to keep your face clean, what you should avoid, and what to do after certain activities.

Keep your face clean

The easiest and most practical way to avoid acne is to wash your face at least a couple of times during the day. When washing your face make sure that you use a mild soap not something that is harsh as this can irritate the skin. Try not to scrub your face just gently run the soap over it and rinse it with water. Wash your hair on a daily basis, if your hair comes in contact with your face not washing your hair will add oil to your face.

There are several cleansers on the market today that can be used and are specifically for cleansing your face. Two of the brands are Cetaphil and Neutrogena and they typically can be found at any major drugstore or grocery store.

You can also use an antibacterial pad to cleanse your face as well, it may be a good idea to have some with you at all times.

What you should avoid

If you wear makeup wash her face before you go to bed. Not washing your face and leaving makeup on will clog your pores.

If you use any type of lotion or sunscreen check the label and make sure that they say oil free.

Avoid applying any harsh chemicals to your face without first consulting your doctor. Applying a harsh chemical to your face may give you a reaction to the chemical and in turn may inflame and irritate your skin.

What to do after certain activities

After exercising and working up a good sweat immediately go into the restroom and wash your face. Sweat has been known to clog pores and as you know clogged pores will result in acne.

There is much debate whether eating greasy food will cause acne but one thing is certain after eating greasy food you should always wash your hands. If you don't wash your hands just make sure that they do not come in contact with your face.

Preventing acne is an ongoing battle but if you follow the steps you will never have to ask the question again how do I get rid of acne.

By: Lincoln
Acne can be a big problem and if you liked these tips and never have to ask again how do I get rid of acne try visiting good-reads.com/acne/acne/index.htm.com for more great tips

Acne Preventing is Easy! You Can Be Acne Free in 3 Days! It works! Click now to learn how!

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